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根据卫生部关于开展碘缺乏病抽样监测通知要求 ,分别于 1995年、1997年和 1999年三次采用 PPS抽样法 ,在浙江省确定 30个调查点 ,对 8~ 10岁学龄儿童的甲状腺肿大率、碘盐、尿碘、新生儿 TSH水平和健康教育五大指标进行监测评估 ,结果显示至 1999年各项指标均有好转 ;甲状腺肿大率触诊结果由 1995年的 13.95 %、1997年的 14.2 5 %降为1999年的 6 .42 %。B超法则从 1997年的 2 0 .17%降为 1999年的 7.17% ;居民户食用碘盐合格率由 1997年的 6 9.77%升至 1999年的 84.42 % ,非碘盐检出率则由 1997年的 12 .73%降至 1999年的 5 .0 8% ;儿童尿碘中位数均保持在 10 0 μg/ L以上 ;新生儿 TSH水平三年测值高于 5 m IU/ L的比例分别为 2 9.5 8%、35 .81%和 16 .18% ,仍距国家消除碘缺乏病标准较远 ;五年级学生健康教育问卷调查平均分数由 1997年的 80 .83分升到 1999年的 83.2 7分。浙江省碘缺乏病防治工作通过实施以食盐加碘为主的综合性防治措施后正逐年取得明显效果 According to the requirements of the Ministry of Health for monitoring the sampling of iodine deficiency disorders, the PPS sampling method was adopted three times in 1995, 1997 and 1999 respectively to determine 30 investigation points in Zhejiang Province, and to evaluate the goiter rate among school-aged children aged 8-10 years , Iodized salt, urinary iodine, TSH level of newborn and health education, the results showed that all indicators improved by 1999. The result of goiter rate was 13.95% in 1995, 14.2% in 1997 5% to 6 .42% in 1999. The B-Law was reduced from 20.17% in 1997 to 7.17% in 1999. The passing rate of iodized salt for household consumption rose from 6 9.77% in 1997 to 84.42% in 1999, and the detection rate of non-iodized salt increased from 1997, 12.73% dropped to 5.08% in 1999. The median urinary iodine in children was above 10 0 μg / L. The three-year newborns’ TSH level was higher than 5 m IU / L The proportions were 2 9.58%, 35.81% and 16.18% respectively, still far from the national standard for eliminating iodine deficiency disorders. The average score of the fifth-grade health education questionnaire rose from 80.83 in 1997 to 1999 83.2 seven points. Zhejiang iodine deficiency disease prevention and control work by implementing salt iodization-based comprehensive prevention and control measures are year by year achieved significant results
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目的 探讨肿瘤坏死因子 (TNF)与多发性肌炎/皮肌炎 (PM/DM)发病机理的关系。方法 用双抗体夹心ELISA法检测了24例PM/DM患者和18例正常人TNFα水平,并分析了其与临床相关实验室指标的关系。结果 18例正常人血清中未测出TNFα,而24例患者中9例TNFα水平升高。可测出TNFα的PM/DM患者组与未测出患者组比较前者具有:1高尿肌酸水平 (P<0.01);2低尿肌酐水平 (P<