新时期 新战略 新使命——对农业部乡镇企业局局长甘士明的访研

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党的第十七大提出:“以促进农民增收为核心,发展乡镇企业,壮大县域经济,多渠道转移农民就业。”并指出:“走中国特色农业现代化道路,建立以工补农、以城带乡长效机制,形成城乡经济社会发展一体化新格局。”又好又快发展乡镇企业,正是解决好“三农”问题一个重要抓手。在面临中央对乡镇企业提出了新的更高期望的关键时期,如何在加快自身建设和发展的同时,引导乡镇企业更好、更快地科学发展。是摆在每个乡镇企业工作者面前的重要课题。认真学习党的十七大精神,就要从如何认清形势,抓住机遇,促进乡镇企业科学发展,肩负起历史赋予乡镇企业的社会使命等方面下功夫认真研究。为此,本刊编辑部和相关专家学者组成了访研团与农业部乡镇企业局的领导就新时期的乡镇企业如何实现战略重点转移、在新农村建设中如何发挥作用、乡镇企业改革发展的方向和对策、如何推进乡镇企业又快又好的发展等问题进行了探讨,这期访研文章对于目前我们的乡镇企业的工作具有重要的指导作用和现实意义,很值得各级领导和广大管理工作者一读。 The 17th CPC National Congress proposed: “To promote the peasants’ income growth as the core, develop township and village enterprises, expand the county economy and diversify the employment of peasants.” He pointed out: “Taking the path of agricultural modernization with Chinese characteristics, , And take the long-term mechanism of urban belt and township to form a new integrated pattern of urban and rural economic and social development. ”The sound and rapid development of township and village enterprises is an important starting point for solving the“ three agricultural issues. ” In the crucial period when the Central Government has put forward new and higher expectations for TVEs, how to guide TVEs to better and faster scientific development while speeding up their own construction and development. Is placed in front of each township enterprises workers an important issue. To earnestly study the spirit of the 17th CPC National Congress, we must make earnest studies on how to make a clear understanding of the situation, seize the opportunities, promote the scientific development of township and village enterprises, and shoulder the social responsibility entrusted by history to the township and village enterprises. To this end, the editorial department and related experts and scholars formed a delegation of the research team and the Ministry of Agriculture, Township Enterprise Bureau leadership on the new era of how the township enterprises to achieve the strategic shift, how to play a role in the new rural construction, township enterprises reform and development Direction and countermeasures, and how to promote the fast and sound development of township and village enterprises. The article on visiting and studying this period has an important guiding role and practical significance for the work of our township and village enterprises and is worthy of leadership and extensive management at all levels Workers read.
妈妈因工作不慎,左小腿被锋利的钢板边缘割伤了,流了好多血。她被厂里的叔叔阿姨及时送进了医院。  爸爸常年在外地工作,这下我成了一只孤单的小雁了。妈妈对我不放心,让我住在她的同事家里。  离开了熟悉的家,离开了亲爱的妈妈,我还真不习惯。一大早,阿姨叫我起床。其实我老早就醒来了,怕影响他们休息,只好蜷缩在床上“数山羊”。听到阿姨的呼唤,我一骨碌就从床上爬了起来。  吃了早饭,我赶紧去医院看妈妈。妈妈的
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“嘉欣啊,一定要好好学习,没有什么比成绩更重要的了,只有成绩好了,以后才能上个好的中学,才能不愁吃,不愁穿……”这是爸爸妈 “Gailin ah, we must study hard, nothing
元谋县老城小学现有63个教学班,122名教职工,在校学生1976人。学校环境优美,绿树成荫,校园建筑相映成趣,是一所花园式的农村示范小学。近年来,学校特色办学 Yuanmou Old Tow