
来源 :国外医学.妇产科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a351200
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超声波胎头测量法广泛地用于确定妊娠时间、胎儿体重及胎儿营养不良.目前通过头测量法确定的仅是胎头双顶径().记录其它胎头径线较困难.作者对150名孕20~41周妇女的胎头和枕额径()的生理变化进行动态观察.有20名妇女在孕33~36周发生早产.在产前最后一周内测得的和值与新生儿测定结果比较符合.作者用日本造《-SSD202D》和波兰 Ultrasound fetal head measurement method is widely used to determine the time of pregnancy, fetal weight and fetal malnutrition .At present, by head measurement method to determine only the fetal head biparietal diameter () .Record other fetal head diameter is more difficult .Among the 150 The dynamic changes in fetal head and occipitocervical diameter (PMI) were observed in 20 to 41 weeks of gestation in 20 pregnant women with preterm birth at 33 to 36 weeks of gestation.The sum measured in the last week of prenatal period correlated with neonatal determination The results are more consistent with the author made in Japan “-SSD202D” and Poland
病例报告例1 30岁,孕3产1。月经后17天突然右下腹剧痛伴阴道流血5天,加重1天,于1990年5月24日急诊入院。既往月经周期正常。近1年多有反复右下腹阵发隐痛病史,体检:体温37.6
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