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64公里黄金水道在这里蜿蜒流淌,巍巍大坝在这里屹然耸立,高峡平湖在这里绮丽展现,屈子遗风在这里久久回荡,百万移民在这里铸就丰碑……这就是有“屈原故里、坝上明珠、三峡门户”之称的港口新城——秭归。秭归不仅是伟大爱国诗人屈原的故乡,还是革命先驱夏明翰的诞生地,更是中国脐橙之乡、中国诗歌之乡、中国龙舟之乡、中国民间文化艺术之乡。悠久而灿烂的历史文化与现代文明有机融合、交相辉映,使这座城市焕发出勃勃生机,散发着迷人的韵味。潮平两岸阔,风正一帆悬。站在新的起点上,承载着40万人的希冀与梦想,秭归正紧盯“特色农业大县、新型工业强县、三峡物流新县、全国旅游名县”发展目标,抢抓发展机遇,加快发展步伐,向“全省山区县第一方阵”阔步迈进! 64 km of golden waterway winding meandering here, towering dam standing here Yi Ran, Gao Xiaping Pinghu here to show beautiful, Qu Yuan legacy here a long time echoed, million immigrants cast monument in here ...... This is the “Qu Yuan hometown , Pearl on the dam, the gateway to the Three Gorges, ”said the port Metro - Zigui. Zigui is not only the hometown of the great patriotic poet Qu Yuan, but also the birthplace of the revolutionary pioneer Xia Minghan. It is also the hometown of Chinese navel oranges, the hometown of Chinese poetry, the hometown of Chinese dragon boats, and the hometown of Chinese folk culture and arts. Long and splendid history and culture and modern civilization organic integration, add radiance and beauty to the city, full of vitality, exudes a charming charm. Tide level both sides of the river, the wind is Yifan hanging. Standing at a new starting point, carrying the hopes and dreams of 400,000 people, we are now focusing on the development goals of “characteristic agriculture counties, new industrial strong counties, new counties of Three Gorges logistics, and national tourism famous counties” Opportunities, accelerate the pace of development, to “the first mountain square counties in the province,” stride forward!
Dear editor,The extensive applications of robotic manipulators have spurred active research on its control problem during the past decades.Since parametric unce
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摘要:根据人体真实信号I导联,以MSP430F5529 Launchpad系统板为核心,设计了一种便携无线心电监视仪。硬件上采用TI公司的高性能模拟器件,以提取微弱的QRS波形的同时,使功耗降到最低;软件上实现了信号调制、信号处理,准确计算心率;显示上以安卓手机作为终端,靠蓝牙进行通讯。实验样机的初步测量结果表明,在安静状态下,心电信号无失真、心率测量误差在3%内。本文网络版地址:http://w
摘要:多年来,医疗器械变得越来越小,小型可植入器械在植入过程中让患者感觉更舒适,对身体的损伤也更小。为满足对用于可植入医疗器械的小型混合元件的需求,人们不断改进微控制器 (MCU)——或专用集成电路(ASIC)——和功率系统的混合元件布局与封装技术。本文讨论了无源元件的选型过程,目的是减小医疗器械中的混合元件和电路板空间。本文网络版地址:http://www.eepw.com.cn/article