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语文教学少慢差费,我认为一条很重要的原因,是对语文课的“工具性”认识不足,强调不够,抓得不力.语文课的根本任务是培养学生运用祖国语言文字的能力,语言文字是学习一切文化科学的“工具”.既然是工具,就应该让学生牢牢掌握它,运用它.但是现在的语文教学中,不少同志仍然习惯于把主要精力用之于所谓课文分析上,有的也讲生字、生词,但只不过是为了给分析课文“扫清障碍”.教师是这样教,结果学生也是“得鱼忘筌”.《庄子·外物篇》中说:“筌者所以在鱼,得鱼而忘筌;蹄者所以在兔,得兔而忘蹄;言者所以在意,得意而忘言”.用这样的联合比喻来比拟我们的语文教学,也很有相似的地方.学生学了一篇课文,只记得大致的思想内容,而表达思想内容的语言文字被丢掉了,这岂不是“得鱼忘筌”?鱼是由于“筌”而得到的,丢掉了捕鱼的工具——筌,怎么会得到鱼呢?文章的思想内容是由语言文字这种“工具”表达出来的,丢掉了这种“工具”,怎么会真正理解掌握思想内容呢? The Chinese teaching is slow, and I think one of the most important reasons is the lack of understanding of the “instrumentality” of Chinese language classes, and the lack of emphasis on it. We cannot grasp it adequately. The fundamental task of Chinese language classes is to develop the students’ ability to use the language of the motherland and language. Text is a “tool” for learning all cultures and sciences. Since it is a tool, it should allow students to firmly grasp it and use it. However, in today’s language teaching, many comrades are still accustomed to using their main energy in so-called text analysis. Some also speak words and new words, but they are only for the sake of analyzing the texts. They are taught by teachers. As a result, students are also “forgetful of fish”. “Zhuangzi’s foreign material” says: “ Therefore, in the fish, fish is forgotten; the hooves are therefore rabbits, rabbits and hooves are forgotten; the speaker is therefore concerned about, proud and forgetting words.” Using such a metaphor to compare our language teaching is also very similar. The place where students learned a text, only to remember the general thought content, and the language and words that express the content of thoughts were lost. Isn’t this “forget about the fish?” The fishing tool - hey, how come Fish? Ideological content of the article is that the language “Tools” speak out, lost this “tool”, how will truly understand and grasp the ideological content?
楹联素有“诗中诗,画中画”之称,而叠字联则是其中的一朵奇葩。  嘻嘻哈哈喝茶;叽叽咕咕谈心。  据说陶行知曾在南京乡下办了一个茶园,农民们可以在这里一边喝茶,一边交流学习文化的心得及古今中外的趣闻。下面这副茶园门联就是陶行知当年亲手撰写的。此联巧用叠音字,将“喝茶”、“谈心”的情景描写得惟妙惟肖,易读、易懂、易记。  看花明柳媚,有象文章,苦趣化为乐趣,妙妙!  听燕语莺啼,天然节奏,忧心变作欢心
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应用逆行笼形取出器来移除巨大而坚硬的总胆管结石常感困难。而在内窥镜下应用电动液压冲击波把这种结石击碎后,就很容易地取出。 装置.电动液压冲击波发生器Lithotron,