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美育就是通过现实美和艺术美打动学生情感,使学生在心灵深处受到感染和感化,从而培养学生具有正确的审美观,具有感受美,鉴赏美,表现美和创造美的能力的教育。它是全面发展教育的重要组成部分。《中共中央国务院关于深化教育改革全面推进素质教育的决定》指出:“美育不仅能陶冶情操,提高素质,而且有助于开发智力,对于促进学生全面发展具有不可替代的作用”。美育也是历史教学目标之一。历史博大精深,内容丰富多彩。涵盖着丰富的美育素材。实践中如何渗透美育呢? Aesthetic Education is to impress the students with emotions through realistic beauty and artistic beauty, so as to make the students feel infection and influence in the innermost part of the soul so as to cultivate students’ education with the correct aesthetic outlook, the ability to feel the beauty, appreciate the beauty, express the beauty and create the beauty. It is an important part of the comprehensive development of education. The Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council on Deepening Educational Reform and Promoting Quality-oriented Education in an All-round Way states: “Aesthetic education not only cultivates sentiments and improves quality but also helps to develop intelligence and plays an irreplaceable role in promoting the all-round development of students.” Aesthetic education is also one of the goals of history teaching. Broad and profound history, rich and colorful content. Covers a wealth of aesthetic material. How to penetrate aesthetic education in practice?
2008年10月,重组合并后的中国联通海南分公司紧紧围绕“打基础、抓发展、保效益”的发展战略,根据海南的实际情况,不断推进经营、网络、管理 In October 2008, the reorgani
BACKGROUND: Epidural anesthesia requires a convenient and accurate method to determine the plasma concentration of the given subsidiary drug. The target-control
由于磷化铝片剂毒性较大,对操作技术、安全防护措施要求严格,为确保农户使用安全,需要掌握以下技术要点: 1.选择能密封的容器 通常农民贮粮方式很多,如摺于囤放、木柜、水泥
本刊讯9月2日,中国电信成都分公司与中铁二局金马瑞城公司正式签订成都金马国际体育城无线数字城市合作协议,这标志着成都电信着力打造真正意义的无线数字示范区,在 On Sept