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十六届四中全会指出,加强党的执政能力建设,必须坚持立党为公、执政为民。权为民用、情为民系、利为民谋,不仅在于全省社会各项事业的长足发展和进步,还在于对农村贫困百姓的关怀和帮助。各级领导干部只有深入基层,倾听群众呼声,关心群众疾苦,把群众工作做深、做细、做实、实现好、维护好、发展好最广大人民的根本利益,才能凝聚和激励群众共同前进,才能得到人民群众的拥护和支持。始终保持党同人民群众的血肉联系,是加强党的执政能力建设的核心。 The Fourth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee pointed out: To strengthen the party’s ability to govern, we must uphold the principle of building the party for the sake of the public and governing for the people. The right is for the people, the love is the people’s department, and the benefit is the people’s conspiracy. It not only depends on the rapid development and progress of various social undertakings in the province, but also the care and assistance to the poor people in rural areas. Only by deepening grassroots work, listening to the voices of the masses, caring for the sufferings of the masses and deepening their work in a down-to-earth manner so as to achieve good, safeguard and develop the fundamental interests of the overwhelming majority of the people can the leading cadres at all levels co-ordinate and motivate the common progress of the masses In order to win the support and support of the people. To always maintain the flesh-and-blood ties between the party and the people and the masses is the core of strengthening the party’s ability to govern.
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当1999年欧元发行之时,欧洲政策的制定者曾经预言.它将促使欧洲经济的协调统一.但来自德国和法国的调查表明.德国和法国两国的净国民生产总值约占整个欧洲大陆的51.3%。 根据
实现了一种硒化铅(Pb Se)量子点掺杂的光纤放大器(QDFA)。以直径为4 cm的Pb Se量子点作为光纤增益介质,由量子点掺杂光纤、980 nm单模激光器、波分复用器、隔离器等组成全光
The following qualitative conclusions of forest resources in Zigui can be drawn by the research on 73 plots and 5 vegetation plots:forest area is increasing; fo
经合组织认为欧元区经济获得复苏动力 经济合作与发展组织(经合组织)7月27日发表最新报告,对欧元区经济的总体评价不高,认为欧洲单一货币未能给欧元区各经济体注入活力,也没