
来源 :广西政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juyexia
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各地区行署,各市、县、自治县人民政府,柳铁,防城港区管委会,区直各委、办、厅、局:一九八五年,我区实行“划分税种、核定收支、分级包干”的财政管理体制,对各地市县增收节支,发展地方建设事业起了积极作用。但存在的主要问题是在财政分配上不够完善,地区间不平衡。为了使全区建设事业更好的统筹安排,保证重点建设,经研究,决定从今年起,对我区财政管理体制作如下调整:一、一九八五年自治区人民政府《关于实行“划分税种、核定收支、分级包干”财政管理体制的通知》(桂政发[1985]70号)第三条中关于“实际完成收入超过基数递增百分之 Administrative offices of all regions, municipalities, counties and autonomous counties, people’s governments of all cities, counties and autonomous counties, the management committee of Fangchenggang District, the commissions, offices, offices and bureaus of the districts: In 1985, Grading package ”financial management system, around the cities and counties to increase revenue and reduce expenditure, the development of local construction has played an active role. However, the main problems that exist are the imperfect financial distribution and the imbalance among regions. In order to make a better overall planning for the construction of the entire region and to ensure key construction, the study decided to make the following adjustments to the financial management system in our region from this year onwards: I. The “Implementation” of the People’s Government of the Autonomous Region in 1985 Tax, approved revenue and expenditure, graded package “Notice of the financial management system” (Guizhengfa [1985] No. 70) Article 3 "% of actual completed income over base increase
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本刊讯2006年6月2日 ̄6日,由北京林业大学和中国青年政治学院共同主办的北京高校校报研究会2006年学术年会在湖南省长沙市召开。来自28所高校的近40名校报工作者出席会议。与会
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春节逛庙会已经成为北京人的新时尚 ,本届地坛庙会一方面向人们展现老北京的生活和各地的乡土风情 ,另一方面也为北京百姓提供了丰富多彩的文化活动。借人们欢度新春佳节之际