
来源 :黑龙江政报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sidney1221
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3月7日,省政府召开全省地方税务工作会议。王先民副省长在会上讲话要求,全省地税系统的广大干部职工要站在全省国民经济和发展全局的高度来充分认识当前所面临的形势,进一步增强做好税收工作的紧迫感和使命感,坚定信心,克服困难,确保完成全年税收工作任务,全力支持全省经济和社会事业的持续、快速、健康发展。对于做好2001年的地税工作,王先民副省长强调,全省各级地税部门要认真贯彻落实“加强征管、堵塞漏洞、惩治腐败、清缴欠税”的方针,强化管理,确保完成税收征收任务。一要加强对重点税源、重 March 7, the provincial government held a provincial conference on local tax work. Vice Governor Wang Xianmin addressed at the meeting that the cadres and workers in the provincial taxation system should fully understand the current situation and further enhance their sense of urgency and mission in taxation work by standing on the level of the national economy and the overall development of the province Sense, firm confidence, overcome difficulties, ensure that the annual tax work to complete the task, full support for the province’s economic and social undertakings sustained, rapid and healthy development. As for the local taxation work in 2001, Vice Governor Wang Xianmin emphasized that the local taxation departments at all levels in the province should conscientiously implement the principle of “strengthening collection and management, plugging loopholes, punishing corruption and paying taxes in due diligence” so as to strengthen management and ensure the completion Tax collection tasks. First, we must strengthen the focus on tax sources, heavy
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本刊讯2006年6月2日 ̄6日,由北京林业大学和中国青年政治学院共同主办的北京高校校报研究会2006年学术年会在湖南省长沙市召开。来自28所高校的近40名校报工作者出席会议。与会
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春节逛庙会已经成为北京人的新时尚 ,本届地坛庙会一方面向人们展现老北京的生活和各地的乡土风情 ,另一方面也为北京百姓提供了丰富多彩的文化活动。借人们欢度新春佳节之际