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杜蒙县地方税务局下设三股两室,即人教股、计财股、综合业务股、监察室、办公室。2个直属局和5个分局,即稽查局、社保局,泰康分局、新星分局、胡吉吐莫分局、烟筒屯分局、他拉哈尔分局。正式职工40人,负责11个乡(镇)、12个国营农、林、牧、渔场的地方税收和社保费征缴工作。共有纳税业户2755户,其中,国有企业76户,集体企业78户,股份制企业35户,个体业户2566户。在征收管理方面,认真宣传贯彻执行《税收征收管理法》,严格按照《征管操作规程》办税,做到依法行政。通过日常稽查,专项检查和立案查处,全年共查处108户,补税94.2万元,加收滞纳金罚款8万元,打击了偷抗税行为,净化了税收环境。为了确保征管质量,对征管工作实行目标管理,按季检查、年终考评。经市局年 Dumont County Local Taxation Bureau consists of three shares of the two rooms, that is, people teach stocks, money stocks, integrated business unit, supervision room, office. 2 directly under the bureau and 5 branches, namely, Inspection Bureau, Social Security Bureau, Taikang Branch, Nova Branch, Hu Ji Tuomo Branch, Chutun Branch, He Lahar Branch. 40 formal employees, responsible for 11 townships (towns), 12 state-owned agriculture, forestry, animal husbandry, fisheries, local taxes and social security payments. There are 2755 taxpayers in total, of which 76 are state-owned enterprises, 78 are collective-owned enterprises, 35 are joint-stock enterprises and 2566 are individual-owned households. In the collection and management, earnestly propagandize the implementation of the “Tax Collection and Administration Law”, strictly in accordance with the “collection and management practices” tax, so that the administration according to law. Through daily inspections, special inspections and investigation and prosecution, a total of 108 households were investigated and dealt with, making a total of 942,000 yuan in taxes and imposing a fine of 80,000 yuan on late fees and fines, thereby cracking down the acts of stealing and rescuing taxes and purifying the tax environment. In order to ensure the quality of collection and management, the collection and management of the implementation of the objectives of management, quarterly inspection, year-end assessment. City Council years
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一、病案管理人员的思想现代化 管理思想是指管理者对管理的理性认识。病案管理思想的现代化,是以现代化管理的思想和理论武装管理者的头脑,更有效地进行病案管理活动。日前
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本刊讯2006年6月2日 ̄6日,由北京林业大学和中国青年政治学院共同主办的北京高校校报研究会2006年学术年会在湖南省长沙市召开。来自28所高校的近40名校报工作者出席会议。与会