
来源 :中国石油石化 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:linzh
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随着中国石油开发工作进程的加深,部分已开发油田进入“多井低产”和“双高”阶段,继续高水平开发的难度日益增大,给油田开发工作的可持续发展带来了严峻挑战。针对这些实际困难,中国石油管理层自2005年起设立了十个重大开发试验项目。在各油田选择有代表性的区块开展重大开发试验,针对中国石油特低渗、超稠油等边际储量的有效开发利用和已开发油田大幅度提高采收率技术进行攻关,从而为中国石油上游原油生产的持续稳定发展及储量资源接替的良性循环打下坚实的基础,也为保障国家油气供应安全提供必要保征。两年来,中国石油在大庆、辽河、吉林、新疆、吐哈、大港、华北等地区开展重大开发试验,已经取得了丰硕成果。目前,辽河油田超稠油SAGD及蒸汽驱工业化试验,以及吐哈三塘湖油田牛圈湖区块低渗、低压油藏注水开发试验已取得突破性进展,完成了重大开发试验方案设计的工作量,现场试验达到了设计要求,圆满完成了试验任务。为此,本刊特别策划“中国石油重大开发试验”系列报道,将重大开发试验取得的成果和意义全面地报道出来,并剖析项目中积累的技术和管理创新的新思路和新做法,以期在全行业起到借鉴和推广作用。 With the deepening of China’s oil development work, some developed oilfields have entered the stages of “multi-well and low-yield” and “double-high”, and the difficulty of continuing high-level development is increasing, which poses a severe challenge to the sustainable development of oilfield development. . In response to these practical difficulties, PetroChina’s management has set up 10 major development pilot projects since 2005. In the selection of a representative block in each oilfield to carry out major development tests for the PetroChina ultra-low permeability, ultra-heavy oil and other marginal reserves of the effective development and utilization of oilfields have greatly enhanced oil recovery techniques to tackle key issues for the China National Petroleum The continuous and steady development of the upstream crude oil production and the succession of reserve resources have laid a solid foundation for the protection of the country’s oil and gas supply to provide the necessary security. In the past two years, PetroChina has made great achievements in carrying out major development tests in Daqing, Liaohe, Jilin, Xinjiang, Tuha, Dagang and North China. At present, breakthroughs have been made in the pilot test of SAGD and steam flooding of ultra-heavy oil in Liaohe Oilfield and the water injection test of low-permeability and low-pressure reservoirs in Niuquanhu block in the Turpan-Hami Oilfield of Turpan-Hami Oilfield. The workload of designing the major development test program has been completed The field test meets the design requirements and successfully completed the test task. To this end, the magazine specially planned “China’s major oil development test” series of reports, the results of major development and test results reported comprehensively, and analyze the project accumulated in technology and management innovation of new ideas and new practices, with a view to The whole industry has played a reference and promotion role.
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摘要:品生品社是一门开放性、综合性、活动性很强的课程,准确把握本课程的性质,怎样让本课程实施中更有效,下面我从备课和上课两方面谈一些粗浅的认识。  关键字:深钻教材,吃透教材 集体备课求助网络 良好氛围课堂评价课堂生成    品生品社是一门开放性、综合性、活动性很强的课程,我们无论是备课还是课堂教学都要根据这些新的特点采取与之相适应的方法策略,才能准确把握本课程的性质,进而让本课程实施中更有效。 