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   From offering plentiful bike paths and thriving farmers’markets to ensuring cleaner air, a city’s environmental efforts don’t just help the planet—they benefit residents too.
   According to the Siemens Green City Index, an ongoing project researched by the Economist Intelligence Unit, the world’s greenest cities score high marks in CO2 emissions, transportation options, water and waste management, and overall environmental governance.
   Different urban areas have different sustainability strengths, so we talked to residents in the top-ranked cities across the globe to find out what living in them is like.
   Vancouver, British Columbia
   Compared to other cities of its size, Vancouver scored incredibly well in CO2 emissions and air quality, due in part to the city’s emphasis on promoting green energy and its use of hydropower. Vancouver has vowed to reduce emissions by 33% by 2020.
   That commitment doesn’t surprise resident Lorne Craig, who moved to the city from Calgary in 1985 and writes the Green Briefs blog. “Vancouver has been home to a deeper green counter-culture since the 1960s and is recognized worldwide as the birthplace of Greenpeace,” he said. “Mountains tower over the city. It reminds everyone here that we are part of something bigger and more beautiful.”
   As other cities continued building freeways that promoted driving and sprawl, Vancouver remained committed to urban living, as evidenced by the development of Granville Island, a pedestrian-friendly peninsula where residents frequent large public market and art studios.
   Plenty of other Vancouver neighbourhoods are ecofriendly too. A large network of bike routes makes cycling around town easy, especially West 10th Avenue, where people regularly cruise on bikes, electric scooters and even unicycles. Craig said the neighbourhoods of Commercial Drive and Strathcona, both east of downtown, are “more left-wing green”—meaning, more politically active—while Kitsilano to the west and the Main Street neighbourhood to the south of downtown are “more the Prius type of green”—wealthier, with a more laid-back approach to activism.
   Curitiba, Brazil
   Of all the cities on the South American Siemens Index, only Curitiba scores above average in the green rankings. After building one of the planet’s first large-scale, rapid-transit bus systems in the 1960s and developing a world-leading recycling program in the 1980s, the southern Brazilian city continues to be environmentally forward-thinking. In fact, the heavy use of public transportation means Curitiba has one of the highest air qualities in the index.    However, the city could use some revitalization, according to resident Stephen Green, who moved to Curitiba 15 years ago from London and writes the city lifestyle blog Head of the Heard. While Curitiba plans to build a metro system and an additional 300km in bike routes, the projects are expensive and the city needs more funding to complete them. Still, compared to other cities in the region, “Curitiba is excellent,” Green said.
   Green lives in Merces, a traditional city-centre neighbourhood that’s popular with older residents. “We have a good market on Sundays, decent public transport links and the biggest park in the city is close by,” he said. Farmers’ markets move around the city, helping residents find local organic produce.
   Copenhagen, Denmark
   Though fellow Scandinavian cities Oslo and Stockholm trail close behind, Copenhagen consistently ranks as Europe’s greenest city. Almost all of the residents live within 350m of public transportation and more than 50% regularly use a bicycle to commute. As a result, Copenhagen has extremely low CO2 emissions for a city its size.
   While the entire city is bike-friendly, the districts of N?rrebro in the northwest and Frederiksberg in the west are especially committed to cycling, said Copenhagen native Mia Kristine Jessen Petersen. “They’ve spent a lot of money creating, Den Gr?nneSti [the Green Path], a 9km-long path for walking and biking,” she said. “The Green Path is made to help cyclists get through the city fast and easy in beautiful scenery. But the path isn’t just a path; it’s also filled with parks, playgrounds, benches and different terrain, so the scenery shifts at every turn.”Gr?nneSti ends in Valby, 4km outside of downtown, a district popular with families who live there for its plentiful parks, schools and safe streets.
   In addition to their love of cycling, Copenhagen residents are passionate about recycling and composting, as well as conserving electricity and heat. “Danes see nature as a sacred haven,” Petersen said. “We do whatever we can to take care of the nature we have in the cities and to get more.”
   San Francisco, California
   San Francisco ranks as North America’s greenest city in the index. The city has a long history of environmental consciousness stretching back to the founding of the Sierra Club environmental group in the 19th Century. San Francisco has a 77% recycling rate, one of the highest in the world, made possible through city mandates requiring the separation of recyclable and compostable materials from regular garbage.    “We are surrounded by stunning natural beauty, and we have a history of progressiveness and open-mindedness,”said Donna Sky, who moved to the city from Costa Rica nine years ago and founded the locally produced hummus company Love
摘 要:利用地域优势开展乒乓特色教育,开发乒乓球校本课程,在调动老师的积极性的同时,为学生开展了丰富多彩的乒乓文化活动奠定了良好基础。学习乒乓球理论和实践,激发了学生的学习兴趣,提高乒乓球技术,增强了学生的身体素质。学校开发乒乓校本课程,找到了适合不同年级学生学习和训练的比较科学的方法,也丰富了体育教学及课外体育活动的内容。  关键词:学校文化;校本课程;乒乓特色  中图分类号:G623.8 文献
1  语文课上,我翻开语文课本时,发现里面的课文竟然消失了,只剩下注释和课后思考题, 哦, 还有插图。这是怎么回事儿?我的内心很忐忑。今天要讲《端午的鸭蛋》这篇课文,语文老师刘老师平时喜欢叫同学起来念课文,我在底下暗自祈祷,千万不要叫到我。  “莫珂,你来读第二段。”刘老师叫道。  显然,祈祷不灵。我站起来,犹豫了一会儿,决定撒个小谎:“老师,我,我课本带错了。”说完,我低下头,心里七上八下,估计
小时候,与小伙伴们一起玩耍因磕碰而哭鼻子时,大人们总会安慰我们:“没关系,这点儿磕碰算什么。”去医院打针,大人们也总在一旁鼓励:“别害怕,勇敢一点儿。”上学后,课本里更是用很多英雄的事例告诉我们,要勇敢、要坚强,要无所畏惧。于是,我们理所当然地觉得,什么都不怕的人才是最厉害、最勇敢的人。自然地,我们也不断地用这个标准来要求自己。  确实,在我们的成长过程中,无所畏惧让我们如虎添翼,有了“什么都不怕
《一罐蜜》以朴素的语言和真挚的情感传递出宝贵的良善的温度,为读者呈现出一幅描绘人心的画卷,呼告着人与人之间那纯真的宝石般的体察与温情。  小说的结构并不复杂,以时间为脉络的讲述让故事如水般汩汩流过读者的视野,让我们领略到边疆小城独特的风貌与人情。那一罐产自阿勒泰的蜂巢蜜作为线索,将振山叔、安安、米吉提和艾克拜尔等人牵系在一起。我们能够听到每个人物的声音,他们充满个性的腔调被讨要蜂蜜这一核心情节吸引
性 情  有怕死的韩愈,有不怕死的韩愈。王谠《唐语林·栖逸》载:“韩愈好奇,尝与客登华山绝顶,度不可下返,发狂恸哭,为遗书。”一代文豪,登临华山绝顶,患了恐高症,吓得号啕大哭,魂飞魄散之际,还写下了遗书。  韩愈《左迁至蓝关示侄孙湘》诗云:“一封朝奏九重天,夕贬潮州路八千。欲为圣明除弊事,肯将衰朽惜残年。云横秦岭家何在?雪拥蓝关马不前。知汝远来应有意,好收吾骨瘴江边。”韩愈为百姓苍生请愿,不惜犯颜
小明老是缠着爸爸要他说历史故事。  爸爸:“好!从前,有一只青蛙……”  小明:“哎呀!人家要听历史故事!”  爸爸:“好吧,在唐朝,有一只青蛙……”    大的没有睡    夜里,4岁的弗兰茨躺在床上。他请求母亲:“妈妈,给我一个苹果吧!”  “孩子,太晚了,苹果已经睡觉了。”  “不,小的也许睡下了,大的肯定还没睡!”
在校园,我们从一个“牙牙学语”的懵懂孩童,通过一天一天的学习,成长为一个个有爱心、有能力、有责任心的阳光少年。校园,伴随着我们快乐成长。  那么,在校园里度过的每一天,是让你觉得无比快乐,还是让你烦恼无尽;在校园里遇到的每件事,是让你感到温馨幸福,还是让你羞愧尴尬;在校园里参加的每项活动,是让你收获感动,还是让你倍感挫折……  来到校园,我们一定要走进课堂的。那么,你是喜欢语言精彩、绘声绘色的语文
社交网站“脸谱”(Facebook)创始人扎克伯格于当地时间2015年12月1日宣布妻子在上周早些时候产下一女,并取名为麦克斯(Max)。同时,扎克伯格承诺将他和妻子持有的“脸谱”99%的股份捐赠给慈善机构。  事件解析:  1.“脸谱”99%股份捐出用于慈善是富豪的朴素追求。回首扎克伯格的生活经历,不难发现这位年轻富豪一贯的生活态度:平常出行十分低调,T恤和便鞋的休闲打扮,没有保镖,没有随从,没
“熄灭了火之后,灰也是冷的。”  雨果在《巴黎圣母院》中的这句话一语成谶,为这座塞纳河畔辉煌教堂的悲怆预言。梦幻般的玫瑰花窗,史诗般的大型油画……这场大火若称之为人类文明的一场浩劫,亦不为过。没人否认这是一座标志性的历史遗迹:1163年,在法国国王路易七世和教皇亚历山大三世的主持下,巴黎圣母院奠基,那年辛弃疾刚开始为南宋做官;及至1345年竣工,那年朱元璋還尚未称帝。数百年雨打风流去,躲过两次世界
3年多来,“一带一路”沿线的基础设施建设取得了越来越多的实质性进展,便利了沿线的经贸和人文交往。  中国国家主席习近平自2013年9月和10月提出“一带一路”倡议以来,先后出访了数十个国家,利用各种场合推介此倡议,呼吁加强市场合作,反对贸易保护主义,得到了相关国家的热情回应。短短3年多,“一带一路”倡议已经形成了广泛的国际的共识,越来越多的国家积极参与建设。  据2017年博鳌亚洲论坛的官方数据统