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本刊今年第一期起,开辟了问题讨论专栏,拟就我省当前林业科学研究中需要商榷的问题,开展学术性讨论。我省当前在林业科研、生产以及发展经济方面,有很多问题需要广大林业工作者出谋划策、交流经验、切磋琢磨、集思广益,以发挥林业科学技术为经济建设服务的作用。近期准备发起“加速绿化太行山”问题的讨论,今后还将开展有关立体农业、农桐间作、森林害虫综合治理等多方面的讨论研究,请广大读者踊跃参加、积极赐稿。 胡耀邦同志1982年4月视察河北太行山时指出,改变太行山的面貌要有两个转变。为落实这一指示,省委、省政府于当年5月即对太行山组织了全面考察,11月又召开了 山区建设学术讨论会。1984年5至6日间,林业部科技委与中国林学会,又组织了“加速绿化太行山”的学术考察,提出了“考察报告”。当前,我省有关部门和地处太行山区的有关地、市、县,都已积极行动起来,黄龙变绿龙的口号日益深入人心,一场大规模的绿化太行山运动正在蓬勃兴起。为了进一步掀起加速绿化太行山问题的讨论,本期刊登了《林业科学技术在加速绿化太行山中的作用》一文作为开端,希望一切热心于太行山建设的同志,从绿化太行山的指导思想、标准要求、进行速度、方式方法、技术措施以及经济政策等各方面,提出个人见解进行讨论。为当前 This issue of the first issue of this year, opened up the issue of discussion column, intended to discuss the current forestry science research in our province need to discuss the issue of academic discussion. At present, there are many problems in forestry research, production and economic development in our province that require forestry workers to give advice and suggestions, exchange experiences, learn pondering, pool their wisdom and give play to the role of forestry science and technology in economic construction. In the near future, we are going to launch a discussion on “accelerating the greening of the Taihang Mountains.” In the future, discussions will also be held on various topics such as three-dimensional agriculture, inter-crop agriculture and insect pests management. We sincerely welcome readers to participate in this conference. When Comrade Hu Yaobang inspected the Taihang Mountains in April 1982, he pointed out that there are two changes to change the face of Taihang Mountain. In order to implement this directive, the Provincial Party Committee and Provincial Government organized a comprehensive inspection of the Taihang Mountains in May that year, and in November held a mountainous construction seminar. Between May 5 and June 1984, the Scientific and Technological Committee of the Ministry of Forestry and the Chinese Society of Forestry also organized the academic study of “Accelerating the Greening of the Taihang Mountains” and put forward the “Report on the Investigation.” At present, relevant departments of our province and the relevant prefectures, cities and counties in the Taihang Mountains have taken active actions. The slogan of Huanglong turning green and green has become increasingly popular. A large-scale afforestation movement in Taihang Mountains is booming. In order to further set off the discussion on accelerating the issue of greening the Taihang Mountains, this issue has published a speech titled “The Role of Forestry Science and Technology in Accelerating Greening the Taihang Mountains” as a starting point. We hope that all comrades who are enthusiastic about the construction of the Taihang Mountains will proceed from the guiding ideology and standards of greening the Taihang Mountains Speed, ways and means, technical measures and economic policies and other aspects, put forward personal opinions for discussion. For the moment
提出了夫琅和费衍射和激光多普勒效应相结合的三光束激光散射方法,详细研究并解决了该方法用于同时测量大于5μm粒子尺寸和速度时信号串扰问题,并用实验结果证实了理论分析。 A
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