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按资分配作为社会主义初级阶段的一个重要分配原则,现已逐渐为人们所理解和接受。为了存利去弊,充分发挥这一分配原则对发展现阶段生产力和繁荣商品经济的促进作用,本文拟对按资分配诸问题作一概略分析。按资分配的发展趋势按资分配是以资产作为分配尺度的一种分配方式,它是资产所有权在分配领域里的实现。目前我国的按资分配有两种形式:一是按资金分配。主要表现为全民所有制企业利用自有资金进行投资而带来的资金收入,实行联产承包责任制的农户追加投资所带来的收益,城乡个体户经营收益中的资金收入部分,银行存款利息、股份经济条件下的股息和红利收入等 As an important distribution principle of the initial stage of socialism, the distribution according to the capital has gradually been understood and accepted by people. In order to save money and reduce disadvantages, we should give full play to the promotion effect of this principle of distribution on the development of productive forces at this stage and the prosperity of the commodity economy. This paper attempts to give a rough analysis of the distribution according to the capital. According to the distribution of the development trend According to the capital allocation is the distribution of assets as a measure of distribution, which is the ownership of assets in the distribution of the realization. At present, our country has two forms of distribution according to funds: First, distribution according to funds. Mainly reflected in the capital income of enterprises owned by the whole people using their own funds for investment, the income derived from additional investment by peasants implementing the system of joint-generation contract responsibility, the part of capital income from the operating income of urban and rural self-employed households, the interest of bank deposits, the shares Dividends and dividend income under economic conditions
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