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徽州古民居是人类珍贵的历史文化遗存。中国文化追求天人合一,信仰天时地利人和的生存哲学,徽州古民居正是这一文化的表征。所以今天我们来看她的价值,不仅是其如诗如画的审美情怀,还有其身上所承载的古人基于自然和人文背景下的生存智慧和处世哲学,特别是他们对待自然的态度。徽居诞生在历史的长河中,一步步走到现在。随着社会的变迁,她昔日的辉煌因为不能适应当代人们生活的需求,正在逐渐消亡或被当成历史的断片封存进博物馆。建筑是凝固的历史。如何在当代文明的背景下合理地传承和发展这一历史文脉,是我们在积极保护这些古建筑时,需要思考的问题。 Huizhou ancient residence is a precious historical and cultural relics of mankind. Chinese culture pursues the principle of harmony between man and nature, and believes in the philosophy of survival of people and time. Huizhou ancient dwellings are the symbol of this culture. So today we come to see her value, not only its picturesque aesthetic feelings, but also the ancestors who bear the living wisdom and philosophy of life based on natural and humanistic backgrounds, especially their treatment of nature. The emblem was born in the long river of history, step by step until now. With the change of society, her past glory can not adapt to the needs of contemporary people's lives and is gradually disappearing or being stored as a fragment of history into the museum. Architecture is a frozen history. How to reasonably inherit and develop this historical context under the background of contemporary civilization is something that we must ponder when we actively protect these ancient buildings.
2010年的Andrew Martin奖成为Martyn的人生转折点,他自身也深爱这个国际大奖,因为它是通过与世界高端同行竞争而得到的荣耀。另外,被美国、法国和俄国的建筑文摘杂志提名为世
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