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一、思路与背景当事物发展到一定阶段,积累了足够的质量的时候,对其进行回顾和总结,以发现带有规定性的结果,对于制定事物今后发展的方针无疑是必要的。从近年来的图书馆学情报学刊物和各种形式的学术活动看,涉及期刊方面的文章不少,但从理论上对这些文 First, ideas and background When things have developed to a certain stage, accumulated enough quality, to review and summarize them to find the results with the provisions of the future development of things is undoubtedly necessary to develop guidelines. In recent years, the library science and information science journals and various forms of academic activities, the periodicals involved in a lot of articles, but in theory, these articles
伊塞克湖旅游是吉尔吉斯斯坦最重要和最有发展前景的经济项目之一。一年四季都有人到这里旅游,夏天是旅游旺季,到伊塞克湖旅游的人更是络绎不绝。在2008年旅游旺季, Lake Is
Grandparents Day Grandparents Day was celebrated on 9th September in the US and in October in the UK in 2012.Grandparents are important to children in so many w
Jehdi and Hassan were two merchants who were very close friends.Jehdi was a cheerful person,whereas Hassan was very serious,perhaps too cautious and careful.One
The pailou, also known as paifang, is an archway of a memorial or decorative nature. It is a classical architectural style of ancient China which is supported b
蛙鸣之塔在河南洛阳市的齐云塔东南北面,用力击掌,都会听见此塔发出的蛙鸣声。其实,这“蛙鸣”是人们击掌的回声,这回声是每层塔檐一连串回声的叠加和延续。 Frog tower in