
来源 :国外医学.耳鼻咽喉科学分册 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lyllirui
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据(1973)的材料,受检居民的6%听器官有病变,其中78.9%是感觉神经性重听。研究表明,感音器疾患不仅可由外因性、也可由内因性的因素所引起,特别是当体内糖和脂肪代谢障碍时。Rosen等(1970)在第七届国际糖尿病会议上报道了并未怀疑为糖尿病但主诉有听力障碍的人进行检查的结果,发现其中65%有隐性糖尿病。Gladney和Shepherd(1970)在检查听力时发现19例听敏度下降的患者均伴有早期糖尿病。为查明急性感觉神经性重听患者体内糖和脂肪代谢的情况,作者们对82例(年龄18~67)患者进行了葡萄糖耐量试验,50例空腹行血清游离 According to (1973), 6% of the residents surveyed have lesions in the organ, of whom 78.9% have sensory neuropsychological problems. Studies have shown that sensorphone disorders can be caused not only by extrinsic factors but also by intrinsic factors, especially when the body is deprived of sugar and fat metabolism. Rosen et al. (1970) reported at the 7th International Diabetes Conference the results of tests conducted by people who were not suspected of diabetes but who complained of hearing impairment and found that 65% of them had latent diabetes. Gladney and Shepherd (1970) found that hearing loss in 19 patients with early hearing loss were associated with early diabetes. In order to identify acutely sensory neuropsychological disorders in patients with glucose and lipid metabolism, the authors performed a glucose tolerance test in 82 patients (aged 18-67) and 50 patients with fasting serum free
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