
来源 :考古学研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xiaoxiaoDang
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2011年春季至2012年夏季,北京大学考古文博学院与郑州市文物考古研究院合作发掘位于嵩山东麓的郑州西南郊老奶奶庙遗址。这次发掘揭露面积近50平方米,有多达数千件的石制品和数以万计的动物骨骼及碎片发现。尤其重要的是数十处用火遗迹,以及多层叠压、连续分布的古人类居住面的发现。这些新发现非常清楚地展示了当时人类以老奶奶庙遗址中心营地,在较长时期内连续居住的活动细节。老奶奶庙中心营地遗址的发现,也将近年来在嵩山东南麓新发现的300多处旧石器地点完整地连接起来,系统地再现了郑州地区深海氧同位素3阶段(MIs 3 stage)古人类的栖居形态(见图一)。 From spring 2011 to the summer of 2012, the Institute of Archeology and Museology, Peking University and Zhengzhou Institute of Cultural Relics and Archeology collaborated in excavating the site of the Grandma Temple in the southwestern suburbs of Zhengzhou in the eastern foot of Songshan Mountain. The excavation revealed an area of ​​nearly 50 square meters, up to thousands of pieces of stone products and tens of thousands of animal bones and debris found. Of particular importance are the dozens of discoveries made by fire monuments, as well as layers of laminated, continuous distribution of ancient human settlements. These new findings show very clearly the details of the activities of humans living in camps at the site of the Granny Temple Relic Center for a longer period of time. The discovery of the camp site of the grandmother temple center also completely connects the newly found 300 sites of paleoliths in the southeastern Songshan Mountains in recent years and systematically reproduces the habitat of the ancient humans at the 3rd stage of the deep sea oxygen isotope of Zhengzhou (MIs 3) Habitat morphology (see Figure I).
(臂手功) 第一节叩打肩三对操作方法右手叩打左肩,左手叩打右肩,各二八呼。叩打时,掌根扣在肩前三穴上,冲三指扣在肩后三穴上,同时拇指力达肩井,小指力达巨骨(图49)。穴位与
为扩大数控电火花线切割加工范围 ,需解决台阶形和中空形工件的加工效率。应用放电脉冲功率适应控制技术 ,成功地解决了上述问题 In order to expand the scope of NC WEDM,
Purpose: The aim of this paper is to discuss how the keyword concentration change ratio(KCCR) is used while identifying the stability-mutation feature of Web se
今年夏季,美国著名导演史蒂文·斯皮尔伯格旗下的“梦工场”影业公司与美国环球影片公司联合出品了一部由真人与玩具同台演出的科幻片-《晶兵总动员》(Small Soldiers,又名