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①以包代管,放松管理,助长企业不择手段追逐利润,企业利润的多少,受到资源条件、价格、税收等等多种因素的制约。一般来说,基础产业利润偏低,加工工业利润偏高;现代文化程度偏高的利润偏低,反之利润偏高;资源条件好,价格放开,税收低的利润偏高,反之利润偏低。获得利润有正常的和非正常的,手段有正当的和非正当的。在这种情况下,对企业以包代管、放松管理,有些企业在价格上作文章,在“税”字上下功夫,置国家指令性计划于不顾。导 1 Relying on package management to relax management and encourage companies to pursue profits by means of unscrupulous means. The profit of enterprises is constrained by various factors such as resource conditions, prices, and taxes. In general, the profits of the basic industry are low, and the profits of the processing industry are high; the profits with high modern education are low; otherwise, the profits are high; the resource conditions are good, the prices are liberalized, and the profits with low taxes are high, whereas the profits are low. . There are normal and abnormal profits, and the means are legitimate and unfair. Under such circumstances, enterprises are managed on a package basis and loosened their management. Some companies make articles on prices, work hard on the word “taxes,” and disregard national directive plans. guide
1995年1月~1996年12月我院儿科应用维生素K1治疗毛细支气管炎60例,控制喘憋收效良好,现报告如下。1临床资料11一般资料治疗组60例,男42例,女18例,年龄最小30d,最大2岁2个月。对照组50例,男25例,女25例,年龄最小20d,最... Fro
颈静脉球体瘤(Glomus jugulare tumor)又称非嗜铬性副神经节瘤(Nonchromaffin paraganglioma)、化学感受器瘤(Chemodectoma)等,是一种原 Glomus jugulare tumor, also know
一次函数是初中数学中的一个重要概念,而且也是非常有用的数学工具,拟结合几个生活中的实际问题,谈谈如何将一次函数及其图像作为解决实际问题的一个有效手段。 The first-o
我院于1984年测定70例神经系统疾病患者脑脊液(CSF)的NA含量,其中41例脑血管病已作报道。现将其他29例测定的结果报道如下。 29例中,2例肌蒌缩侧索硬化(ALS)CSF中NA含量最高
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