
来源 :人民教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wdasheng
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我们吉林市毓文中学,是一所有着悠久历史和光荣传统的学校。自1979年被确定为省重点中学后,教育质量有了提高,但学生近视率却由1978年的12%猛增至1979年的22.5%。这一问题引起了我们的警觉:必须狠抓防近工作,努力保护学生视力,控制近视新发病率。从1979年起,全校开始了防治近视的“持久战”。我们认真贯彻原教育部、卫生部颁发的《保护学生视力工作实施办法》,在中考、高考升学率逐步提高的情况下,学生近视新发病率由1982年的10.6%下降到1990年的3%;学生近视率由1986年的56.8%下降到1990年的51.7%。1979——1984年,每年全校近视学生视力恢复正常的不超过10人,1985年以后。视力恢复正常的学生每年达20人以上。11年累计,治疗学生5000多人,经治疗视力有好转的4500人,完全恢复正常的250人。 We Jilin Yuwen Middle School is a school with a long history and a glorious tradition. After being identified as a provincial key middle school in 1979, the quality of education has improved, but the student’s myopia rate has soared from 12% in 1978 to 22.5% in 1979. This issue has aroused our vigilance: we must pay close attention to work in close proximity, and strive to protect students’ vision and control the incidence of myopia. Since 1979, the school has started a “protracted war” to prevent myopia. We conscientiously implemented the “Implementation Measures for the Protection of Students’ Vision Work” issued by the former Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Public Health. Under the circumstances that the entrance examination rate and the college entrance examination rate have gradually increased, the incidence of myopia among students dropped from 10.6% in 1982 to 3% in 1990. The student’s myopia rate dropped from 56.8% in 1986 to 51.7% in 1990. From 1979 to 1984, no more than 10 people returned to normal vision every year in the school’s nearsightedness, after 1985. More than 20 students return to normal vision every year. In the past 11 years, more than 5,000 students have been treated, and 4,500 people have improved their vision after treatment and have completely returned to normal 250.
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