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The Tujia minority people live in the mountainous areas in Western Hunan province and their brocade is known as a “Golden Flower”.The brocade is of a simple, graceful and magnificent style.Manykinds of materials can be made into this exquisitely woven brocade.Its unique appeal lies in its local characteristics. Today, decorativefabric design and the art of commercial weaving may find many thisngs valuable to learn from it.The Tujia minority people’s brocade, known as the“Silancarp”,themost famous folk art form in Western Hunan Province, which enjoysbeauty, simplity, strength,soberness and magnificence,is considerab(?)ly attractive in the flower-garden of Chinese folk arts. Women ofTujia nationality have created it and passed it down from generationto generation. They make it for their own use. As a special art thatserves the needs of its creatots, Silancarp has never been limited byartistic decorum,but has inspired the free expression of its creator’swisdom. In the chronic river of historical evolu The Tujia minority people live in the mountainous areas in Western Hunan province and their brocade is known as a “Golden Flower.” The brocade is of a simple, graceful and magnificent style. Manyarchinds of materials can be made into this exquisitely woven brocade.Its unique appeal lies in its local characteristics. Today, decorativefabric design and the art of commercial weaving may find many thisngs valuable to learn from it.The Tujia minority people’s brocade, known as the “Silancarp”, themost famous folk art form in Western Hunan Province , which enjoysbeauty, simplity, strength, soberness and magnificence, is considerab (?) ly attractive in the flower-garden of Chinese folk arts. Women ofTujia nationality have created it and passed it down from generationto generation. They make it for their own use . As a special art thatserves the needs of its creatots, Silancarp has never been limited byartistic decorum, but has inspired the free expression of its creator’s wisdom. In the chronic river of historical evolu
此案的7名被告两年多来以不同手段抢劫4起,其中3次都是入室抢劫。审判长白法官告诉记者,这伙劫匪的作案手段可以给大家提个醒。 遇到有人敲门说要查水电、维修等,一定要多留
2002年4月之前的19个月里,一 位来自中国的维和警察,在东帝汶这个 曾经饱受战乱之苦的岛国,以他的专业 精神与人道关怀,用手中的“摄像枪”记 录下这个国家由乱而治的历史。