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钙是人体必需的元素,也是终身需要的营养素。但由于饮食习惯所致,我国有许多人存在缺钙现象。1978年,国家卫生部统计数字显示,我国有37%的儿童和59%的中老年人缺钙。尽管国家对此问题十分重视,也作出过许多努力,但是根据1998年中国卫生部一份资料显示,中国儿童和中老年人缺钙症发病率并未降低,而是有所增加。时已至今,补钙仍然是人们所关注的话题。据有关媒体报道,在所有的保健品中,人们最熟知、接受度最高的产品就是补钙产品。巨大的需求孕育了巨大的市场,巨大的市场同时也催生了一大批开发钙制品企业的诞生和各种各样的钙制品的登场。 Calcium is an essential element of the human body, but also nutrients needed for life. However, due to eating habits, many people in our country have calcium deficiency phenomenon. In 1978, statistics from the Ministry of Health showed that 37% of children and 59% of middle-aged and elderly people in our country lack calcium. Although the state attaches great importance to this issue and made a lot of efforts, according to a report by the Chinese Ministry of Health in 1998, the incidence of calcium deficiency in children and the elderly in China did not decrease but increased. So far, calcium is still a topic of concern. According to media reports, the most well-known of all health-care products, the most widely accepted product is the calcium-supplement product. Huge demand gave birth to a huge market, a huge market also gave birth to a large number of the development of calcium products business and a variety of calcium products debut.
目的:建立红管药片中山奈素的含量测定方法。方法:色谱柱:Dikma Diamonsil C18柱(4.6 mm×250 mm,5μm),流动相:甲醇-0.4%磷酸溶液(55∶45),流速:1 m L·min-1,检测波长360 n
The feasibility of employing non-ionic surfactant(Triton X-100)as an alternative and effective solventfor the microwave-assisted extraction of glycyrrhizic acid
澳大利亚凭借“泳坛巨人”伊恩·索普一人独得6枚金牌并打破4项世界纪录的出色表现 ,成为世界游泳赛场的新霸主。他们在金牌总数上以13比9战胜了美国队 ,但美国队对此并不理会 ,他