
来源 :甘肃中医药大学学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caolippp123456
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目的观察头孢曲松钠治疗小儿医院内获得性肺炎的疗效和细菌清除率。方法选择符合条件的小儿医院内获得性肺炎84例,随机分为观察组和对照组,观察组给予头孢曲松钠80 mg/(kg·d)静脉滴注,每日1次,连用7~10 d;对照组给予头孢美唑100 mg/(kg·d)静脉滴注,每12 h 1次,连用7~10 d。观察期间不使用其他抗生素。结果观察组痊愈33例(占78.57%),显效3例(占7.14%),好转0例,无效6例(占14.29%),总有效率为85.71%;对照组痊愈25例(占59.53%),显效4例(占9.52%),好转0例,无效13例(占30.95%),总有效率为69.05%。2组总有效率比较差异有统计意义(P<0.05),表明观察组临床疗效优于对照组。观察组细菌清除率为72.7%,对照组为52.4%,2组比较差异有统计意义(P<0.05)。结论应用头孢曲松钠治疗小儿医院内获得性肺炎疗效好,用药方便,不良反应少,细菌清除率高,价格经济,一般患儿均能承受,值得推广应用。 Objective To observe the curative effect and bacterial clearance rate of ceftriaxone sodium in children’s hospital acquired pneumonia. Methods Eighty-four children with acquired pneumonia were selected and randomly divided into observation group and control group. The observation group was given ceftriaxone 80 mg / (kg · d) intravenously once daily for 7 ~ 10 d. The control group was given cefmetazole 100 mg / (kg · d) intravenously once every 12 hours, once every 7 to 10 days. No other antibiotics were used during the observation period. Results The observation group was cured in 33 cases (78.57%), markedly effective in 3 cases (7.14%), improved in 0 cases, ineffective in 6 cases (14.29%), the total effective rate was 85.71% ), Markedly effective in 4 cases (9.52%), improvement in 0 cases, ineffective in 13 cases (30.95%), the total effective rate was 69.05%. The total effective rate in the two groups was statistically significant difference (P <0.05), indicating that the clinical efficacy of the observation group was better than the control group. The bacterial clearance rate was 72.7% in the observation group and 52.4% in the control group, with significant difference between the two groups (P <0.05). Conclusion The application of ceftriaxone sodium in children with hospital acquired pneumonia is effective, convenient medication, less adverse reactions, high bacterial clearance rate, the price of economy, the average child can bear, it is worth to promote the application.
目的:研究FoxA1在急性肺损伤(Acute Lung Injury,ALI)肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞凋亡中的作用及机制。方法:SD大鼠尾静脉注射油酸(Oleic Acid,OA;0.1ml/kg)制备大鼠ALI模型,过氧化氢(H
以甲醛水溶液(37%~40%)和1,3-丙二胺为原料合成了六氢嘧啶,并进行纯化处理,其结构经MS和~1H NMR确证。通过对反应条件优化,最终找到一条适宜的路线,该合成工艺操作简单,条件
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Surface wettability is important to design biointerfaces and functional biomaterials in various biological applications. However,to date, it remains some confus