Cell adhesive spectra along surface wettability gradient from superhydrophilicity to superhydrophobi

来源 :Science China(Chemistry) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:caway1
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Surface wettability is important to design biointerfaces and functional biomaterials in various biological applications. However,to date, it remains some confusions about how cells would response to the surfaces with different wettabilities. Herein,we systematically explore the adhesive spectra of cells to the surface with wettability gradient from superhydrophilicity to superhydrophobicity, clarifying the effect of wettability on cell adhesion. We envision that this study may provide valuable information for the design of biomedical implants with controllable cell adhesion, such as neural interface devices and flexible implant. Surface to wettability is important to design biointerfaces and functional biomaterials in various biological applications. However, to date, it remains some confusions about how cells would response to the surfaces with different wettabilities. Herein, we systematically explore the adhesive spectra of cells to the surface with we envision that this study may provide valuable information for the design of biomedical implants with controllable cell adhesion, such as as neural interface devices and flexible implants.
目的:研究FoxA1在急性肺损伤(Acute Lung Injury,ALI)肺泡Ⅱ型上皮细胞凋亡中的作用及机制。方法:SD大鼠尾静脉注射油酸(Oleic Acid,OA;0.1ml/kg)制备大鼠ALI模型,过氧化氢(H
以甲醛水溶液(37%~40%)和1,3-丙二胺为原料合成了六氢嘧啶,并进行纯化处理,其结构经MS和~1H NMR确证。通过对反应条件优化,最终找到一条适宜的路线,该合成工艺操作简单,条件
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