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为加速全国标准图书发行站建设的规模化、规范化进程,更好地为促进社会技术进步和发展国民经济服务,1998年8月5~7日,全国标准图书发行工作第七届会议暨全国标准图书发行联合会第九届工作会议在新落成的国家质量技术监督局秦皇岛培训中心召开。来自部分省、自治区技术监督情报研究所的领导、全国40余家标准图书发行站站长和中国标准出版社、中国计量出版社的有关人员共77人参加了会议。国家质量技术监督局李忠海副局长代表局党组和局领导专门向会议发了贺电。贺电说,我国的经济发展已经摆脱了短缺经济时代,实现了卖方市场向买方市场的转变,加上市场经济的规律愈来愈在我国经济发展中起支配作用,这就迫使我国的经济要走结构调整和产业升级的道路。由于产业升级和我国经济要逐步走集约化发展的道路,这就必然对标 In order to speed up the process of standardization and standardization of the development of the national standard book distribution stations and to better serve the social and technological progress and the development of the national economy, the Seventh Session of the National Standard Book Distribution Work and the National Standard from August 5 to August 7, 1998 Book Distribution Federation of the Ninth Working Conference was completed in the newly established State Quality and Technical Supervision Qinhuangdao Training Center. Leaders from some provincial and autonomous regional institutes for technical supervision and intelligence, and more than 40 standard-book distribution stations throughout the country, together with 77 members from the China Standard Press and China Metrology Press attended the meeting. State Quality and Technical Supervision Deputy Commissioner Li Zhonghai Deputy Secretary of the Party Group and Bureau leaders sent a congratulatory message to the meeting. The congratulation telegram said that our country’s economic development has got rid of the shortage economy era and realized the change of the seller’s market to the buyer’s market. In addition, the law of the market economy increasingly dominates the economic development of our country, forcing our economy to go Structural adjustment and industrial upgrading. Due to industrial upgrading and China’s economy to gradually take the road of intensive development, which is bound to benchmark
16岁的那些事微不足道。但亲爱的姨妈拉我一把,就带我走出了那段“夜路”。 Those 16-year-olds are insignificant. But my dear aunt pulled me, took me out of that per
个性万花筒    白羊座的男孩  白羊座是黄道第一个星座,是白昼与黑夜恰好达到平衡的时节,是春天的开始,所以白羊座的男生心中充满了标新立异的狂热,他们像超人一样,有着压倒一切的勇气和胆识,有着博大的胸襟和旺盛的生命力。他们从不会拘束自己的感觉,要么热情洋溢,要么怒发冲冠,是火象星座性格的典型代表。他们遇到问题勇于据理力争,但他们从来都是对事不对人,绝对不会记恨于心——这也是他们朋友非常多的一个重要