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一、提高认识,摆正位置当前,部分基层行还存在着抓业务工作硬,抓政治思想工作软的“一手硬一手软”的现象,在抓业务工作时忽视了政治思想工作。认为政治思想工作可多可少、可有可无,是软任务,是空对空,没有业务工作实在,业务工作才是硬任务,有的甚至认为政治思想工作与业务工作争时间、争精力,影响业务工作。致使政治思想工作开展得不够深入,政治思想工作的能动作用难以发挥。认识是行动的先导和基础,抓政治思想工作必须先解决认识问题,特别是各级领导干部的认识问题,提高对政治思想工作的认识,摆正其位置,把它纳入全行的工作计划,摆在与业务工作同等重要的位置。做到抓业务工作从政治思想工作入手,抓政治思想工 I. Raising awareness and setting a correct position At present, some grassroots workplaces still have the phenomenon of grasping business hard work and paying attention to the soft work of political and ideological work. They have neglected political and ideological work while grasping business work. They think that political and ideological work can be more or less optional. It is a soft task. It is empty and emptiness. There is no real business work. Business work is a hard task. Some even think that political and ideological work and business work may take time and fight for energy , Affecting business work. As a result, political and ideological work is not carried out in depth and the active role of political and ideological work can hardly be demonstrated. Understanding is the forerunner and foundation of action. To grasp political and ideological work, we must first solve the problem of understanding, especially that of leading cadres at all levels, raise our awareness of political and ideological work, put its position in line with the work plan of the whole bank, Placed in the same important position as the business. Do business work from the start of political and ideological work, political and ideological workers
一、运用“脑珠速算”开发大脑功能 当今的时代,是“人脑”和电脑”并行时代,且互为促进。 数学是从“陶丸算”、“结绳算”、“筹算”“珠算”直到“阿拉伯数字”的出现,产
例 1:男 ,5 0岁。因黄染、双下肢水肿半年 ,于 1996年 10月 2 8日入院。患者于 10年前被诊断为“肝硬化腹水”,入院后查体 :巩膜、皮肤黄染 ,腹部隆起 ,移动性浊音阳性 ,肝功
发挥企业整体功能 实现理想经济效益毛延富,黄登泽1992年11月粮食经营和价格放开后,我区粮食企业被推向市场。一阵惶恐和阵痛之后,基层粮站为了求得生存,纷纷"化整为零",推行了组所承包和