本期关键词 食积

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【食积】乳食不能被消化吸收而导致的脾胃运化不良食积是由于喂养不当,而导致饮食或者乳汁停积在胃中不能被及时消化和吸收,从而阻滞影响了脾胃的正常运化功能而产生的一种病征。它的主要症状表现是食欲不振、腹胀、胃胀、打嗝,口中会有酸腐难闻气味以及大便失常(如便秘或腹泻)等表现。主要多见于婴幼儿, 【Food product】 milk food can not be digested and absorbed into the spleen and stomach bad food product is due to improper feeding, resulting in diet or milk in the stomach can not be timely digestion and absorption, thus blocking the normal function of the stomach and stomach The resulting symptoms. Its main symptoms are loss of appetite, bloating, bloating, hiccups, sour smelly mouth smell and stool disorders (such as constipation or diarrhea) and other performance. Mainly more common in infants and young children,
A catalyst- and solvent-free protocol for the synthesis of 7-azagramine analogues is described via a three-component Mannich type reaction between 7-azaindole,
探讨葡萄糖耐量受损 (IGT)病人口服葡萄糖耐量试验 (OGTT)时胰岛素的反应与残余脂蛋白 (RLP)浓度的关系。对象与方法  2 0 0例IGT者中 160例行OGTT ,符合美国糖尿病协会的诊断标准 ,符合试验
A peptide nucleic acid(PNA)-peptide conjugated molecule, T′_3(AKAE)_2, was designed to have both a PNA segment for oligonucleotide binding and an ionic self-co
1 病例资料 男,80岁。因左眼球发红2天就诊。有丙种球蛋白过敏史。查体:体温36.6℃,脉搏74/min,血压150/70 mmHg,余无阳性体征。拟诊为病毒性结膜炎。于入院当日上午10时,给
The coupling between open channel-based microchip electrophoresis and mass spectrometry via electrostatic spray ionization is proposed for in situ detection of
The electronic structures, the effective masses, and optical properties of spinel CdCr_2S_4 are studied by using the fullpotential linearized augmented planewav