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在研究利用外资时,经常听到两种说法:一种说用产品偿还;另一种说用产品利润偿还。其实,这是两个不同的概念。为了说明这个问题,举一个简单例子。假如借用外资100万元,年产品出口收入50万元,其中成本30万元、利润20万元,如下表: 产品出口收入成本利润第一年 50万 30万 20万第二年 50万 30万 20万第三年 50万 30万 20万第四年 50万 30万 20万第五年 50万 30万 20万从上表可以看出(这里不谈利息和税金因素),如果用产品偿还,两年的产品出口收入就可以还清借款;如果用产品利润偿还,需要五年才能还清。因此,用产 When studying the use of foreign capital, two statements are often heard: one that is repaid with products; the other is that it is repaid with product profits. In fact, these are two different concepts. To illustrate this issue, give a simple example. If you borrow 1 million yuan of foreign capital, the annual product export income will be 500,000 yuan, of which the cost will be 300,000 yuan, and the profit will be 200,000 yuan, as shown in the table below: Product export income cost profit The first year 500,000 300,000 200,000 The second year 500,000 300,000 200,000 300,000 300,000 in the third year, 500,000,200,000 in the fourth year, 500,000,200,000 in the fifth year, 500,000,200,000 in the fifth year can be seen from the above table (herein not to talk about interest and tax factors), if repay with the product, Two years of product export revenue can be repaid; if it is repaid with product profits, it will take five years to pay off. Therefore, production
(幕启,甲上台,拾起白菜,表情高兴)  乙:快来人呀,有人在菜地里偷瓜菜啦。  甲:你大声叫干什么呀?不会有人来的。  乙:我不是来了吗?我可逮住你了!  甲:听我说,今天是八月十五,中秋节嘛。  乙:中秋节怎么啦?人家忙着团聚,你趁机偷瓜菜。哈哈,我照抓不误。  甲:哎呀,你这人真是太没文化了。  乙:这和有没有文化有什么关系?我就抓你这个小偷。  甲:哎,你怎么不让我说清楚呢?我是说,这中秋节
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