Magnetic properties and structure of (001)-oriented [CoPt/C]_n /Ag nanocomposite films on the glass

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lfzhou66
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The highly (001) oriented triple system of [CoPt/C]n /Ag films was deposited on glass substrates by DC and RF magnetron sputtering. After annealing at 600°C for 30 min, thin films become magnetically hard with coercivities in the range of 160-875 kA/m because of high anisotropy associated with the L10 ordered phase. C doping plays an important role in improving (001) texture and reducing the intergrain interactions. The oriented growth of CoPt films was influenced strongly by the number of repetitions (n) of CoPt/C. By controlling the C content and the number of repetitions (n) of CoPt/C, nearly perfect (001) orientation can be obtained in the [CoPt3 nm/C3 nm]5/Ag50 nm. The highly (001) oriented triple system of [CoPt / C] n / Ag films was deposited on glass substrates by DC and RF magnetron sputtering. After annealing at 600 ° C for 30 min, thin films become magnetically hard with coercivities in the range of 160-875 kA / m because of high anisotropy associated with the L10 ordered phase. C doping plays an important role in improving (001) texture and reducing the intergrain interactions. The oriented growth of CoPt films was regulated strongly by the number of repetitions (n) of CoPt / C. By controlling the C content and the number of repetitions (n) of CoPt / C, nearly perfect (001) orientation can be obtained in [CoPt3 nm / C3 nm] 5 / Ag50 nm.
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真情提示: 为了更好地开展导读活动,特举办此次知识竞赛。竞赛题内容均出自《小学生导刊》高年级版2008年1~12期的刊物中。请将正确答案填在答题卡相应的位置,于2009年3月15日前将答题卡寄往编辑部。可收集几位同学的答卷放在一个信封里寄。我们将抽出100名幸运读者,发给奖品。欢迎老师组织同学们积极参赛。  1 2008年北京奥运会开幕式在国家体育场——__________举行。  A 鸟巢  
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教学的过程,实际上是学生在教师的指导下,不断释疑解难,获取新知识的过程。而教师的课堂提问则是完成这个过程的重要教学手段之一。 The teaching process is actually the