The Prototype Theory and Polysemy

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  【Abstract】This paper applies prototype theory to explain Polysemy phenomenon. According to prototype theory, in the semantic category formed by a polysemic word, category member are determined by prototype. They are the result of development from prototype to boundary.
  【Key words】prototype theory; polysemy; category
  1. Introduction
  The prototype theory is a significant theory of categorization which is fundamental to cognitive activities and a central issue in linguistics. And it seriously criticizes the classical theory of categories which are proposed by Aristotle. During the last few years, the prototype theory has succeeded in solving lots of difficult problems about semantics. However, it also raises a large number of problems.
  2. The Prototype Theory
  There are four characteristics of prototypical categories. And the four characteristics can be summarized as typical of prototypicality (Dirk Geeraerts, 2002):
  (1) Prototypical categories cannot be realized through a single set of criteria-necessary and sufficient conditions.
  (2) Prototypical categories represent the family resemblance. Generally, their semantic structures often overlap or cluster in meanings.
  (3) Prototypical categories represent degrees of representativity, and category membership is a matter of gradience.
  (4) The borderline of prototypical categories is blurred.
  3. Prototype and Polysemy
  Polysemy is a phenomenon that a word has two or more meanings which are related in some way. In terms of prototypical theory, a polyseme represents a distinctive category and typical effects. Therefore, meanings of a polyseme can be associated with the family resemblance. The network of the sense relationship can be constructed and different meanings can be linked up in terms of their similarity. In the view of a prototypical analysis, one of the meanings can be regarded as the central, while the others radiate from the central one.
  A polyseme is a category in which there are central meanings and marginal meanings. Following is the example of the word “mouth”, the meaning of “mouth” can include:
  (1) The opening in the face used for speaking, eating and so on;
  (2) A person considered only as somebody who needs to be provided with food;
  (3) The entrance or opening of something;
  (4) The place where a river joins the sea.
  From the above senses, the first entry is the central meaning, while the other three are non-central meanings which are radiated from the first one. How to determine the prototypical meaning?From the perspective of Dirven and Verspoor (1998), there are three approaches which could explain it.   (1) On the perspective of the experimental method, the meaning which can firstly come to mind is the prototypical meaning while speaking a word.
  (2) On the perspective of the statistical method, the meaning of a polyseme which is used frequently or is most economically related by others is the prototypical meaning.
  (3) On the perspective of the extended method, the meaning of a polyseme from which other meanings can be extended is the prototypical meaning.
  In the above example “mouth”, when people see the word “mouth” in the vocabulary, they most likely think of the first entry of the word immediately, but other entries will not. At the same time, the first entry is received high frequency than others in communication;also other meanings are extended based on the first meaning. Thus the first entry is the central meaning of the word “mouth”.
  From the perspective of Oliver, there are few features of central meanings:central meanings are regarded as “sources”, while other meanings could “extend” from them. Central meanings are “prototypical”, they are most common and can often be first thought of. As for the non-prototypical meanings, they are derived from the prototypical meaning and always motivated by two general principles which are metaphor and metonymy. The meanings of a polyseme which are associated with the family resemblance are in a state of changing as non-prototypical meanings are derived from the prototypical meanings.
  The prototype theory has solved many semantics problems, but it is not a mature theory. It provides a new model for the description of semantic category;meanwhile it also has a lot of limitations. Any theory needs to be tested repeatedly in practice, and the prototype theory is no exception. It needs to be further developed in order to reflect the relationship between cognition and language more objectively. Therefore, how to improve or modify the semantic category theory should be the focus of future research.
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