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近年来,随着我国基础设施建设空间拓展,水利、铁路、公路等公共设施和基础设施建设飞速发展,施工企业规模日益壮大,逐渐发展成为集团型企业。但是,在企业规模扩张的同时,存贷双高,资产负债率有增无减,债权债务居高不下,企业“两金”持续高涨,资金短缺等问题层出不穷,这不但影响企业正常运转,而且也给企业带来潜在风险,影响企业整体资产质量。要提高企业资产运营效益,降低资产负债率,企业必须采取有效措施控制企业“两金”的异常增长,提高资金回收率,确保企业资产安全。当然,企业的“两金”并非越低越好,企业要持续发展,必须把“两金”控制在一个合理的范围内。本文通过探讨“两金”压降措施以帮助施工企业寻求适合自身的方法来达到控制“两金”目的,从而有效防范风险。 In recent years, with the expansion of China’s infrastructure construction and the rapid development of public facilities and infrastructure such as water conservancy, railways and highways, the scale of construction enterprises has been growing day by day and gradually developed into a group-type enterprise. However, with the expansion of the scale of enterprises, the double deposits and loans, the increasing debt-to-asset ratio, the high debt and debts, the continuous rise of enterprises and the lack of funds have not only affected the normal operation of the enterprises , But also bring potential risks to the enterprise, affecting the overall asset quality of the enterprise. To improve the operating efficiency of corporate assets and reduce the debt-to-asset ratio, enterprises must take effective measures to control the abnormal growth of enterprises and raise the capital recovery rate so as to ensure the safety of corporate assets. Of course, the enterprise “two gold ” is not as low as possible, enterprises should continue to develop, we must “two gold ” control in a reasonable range. In this paper, we explore the “two gold ” pressure drop measures to help construction companies find their own way to achieve the purpose of control “two gold ” so as to effectively prevent risks.
克芜踪(Gramoxome)是一种新型进口农用除草剂,急性中毒罕见,我科收治1例现报告如下。 患者、女、17岁,7天前误服克芜踪约60ml,服后即感恶心,上腹阵痛,并呕吐黄色水样胃内容
我们曾遇2例自服大量盐酸二氢埃托啡药物,出现呼吸抑制等中毒症状,经抢救成功,现报告如下: 例1 女性,22岁,吸毒成瘾,因无毒品而自服盐酸二氢埃托啡80片(20μg/片),30min后入
由河海大学董利川教授、朱晟副教授参与的“水布垭面板坝应力-变形分析”研究项目获2002年度湖北省科技进步一等奖。 水布垭水电枢纽工程是国家投资120亿元的“十五”重点建