Design of a Developing Platform of Supervisor and Management System for Industrial Process in DCS B

来源 :Journal of Central South University of Technology(English Ed | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:novass
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Build a general software development platform for industrial process supervisor and management system by combining the technology of industrial configuration and Client/Server model, and introduce the architecture and topological application of this platform. It puts forward a solution to the real time problem in the industrial distributed supervisor system. Building a general software development platform for industrial process supervisor and management system by combining the technology of industrial configuration and Client/Server model, and introduce the architecture and topological application of this platform. It puts forward a solution to the real time problem in the industrial Multiple supervisor system.
《芳华曲》是当代诗家孔凡章的长篇歌行代表作.论者尝试从思想境界和艺术成就角度对其作积极评价,肯定其确为当代传统诗作中的精品. “Fanghua song” is the representativ
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