New(Fe_(0.76)Si_(0.09)B_(0.1)P_(0.05))_(98.25)Nb_1Cu_(0.75) bulk nanocrystalline alloys with good so

来源 :Progress in Natural Science:Materials International | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:waixiao032124
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A new(Fe0.76Si0.09B0.1P0.05)98.25Nb1Cu0.75 bulk nanocrystalline alloy in a rod shape with a diameter of 2.5 mm was successfully developed by copper mold casting and isothermal annealing. It was found that the introduction of Cu can result in the formation of a large number of α-Fe(Si)clusters(less than 3 nm) embedded in the glassy matrix, which greatly improved the primary crystallization of α-Fe(Si) nanocrystals during subsequent annealing. The obtained superior soft magnetic properties can be ascribed to the formation of optimal nanocomposite structures with a large number of α-Fe(Si) nanocrystals( 17 nm) uniformly distributed in the glassy matrix. A new (Fe0.76Si0.09B0.1P0.05) 98.25Nb1Cu0.75 bulk nanocrystalline alloy in a rod shape with a diameter of 2.5 mm was successfully developed by copper mold casting and isothermal annealing. It was found that the introduction of Cu can result in the formation of a large number of α-Fe (Si) clusters (less than 3 nm) embedded in the glassy matrix, which greatly improved the primary crystallization of α-Fe (Si) nanocrystals during subsequent annealing. magnetic properties can be ascribed to the formation of optimal nanocomposite structures with a large number of α-Fe (Si) nanocrystals (17 nm) uniformly distributed in the glassy matrix.
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