
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(儿科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:luosenkate
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Aim: To explore possible risk-reducing factors associated with the incidence of common illnesses and use of healthcare services among adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional questionnaire study conducted in all Oslo schools among all 15-and 16-y-olds in 2000 and 2001. The adolescent population was divided into a low-risk (LR) and a high-risk (HR) group, and into quartiles, based on a sum score of different negative life experiences. The groups were compared with respect to potential risk-reducing factors. Results: 88% of the 8316 pupils filled in the questionnaires. The difference between the LR and HR groups was largest for the possible risk-reducing factor “ my family values my opinion” (LR group = 92% ; HR group = 82% ), and “ I manage to solve serious problems myself” (LR = 91% ; HR = 86% ). The family valuing the adolescents’ opinions was the risk-reducing factor most often associated with lower incidences of illness and healthcare utilization. Among the adolescents at highest risk, less depression was strongly related to positive relationships with friends, boys: odds ratio = 0.1 (CI 95% : 0.0-0.7); and girls: 0.2 (0.1-0.5). Adolescents reporting that they managed their own problems had about half the risk of depression. Conclusion: Good relations with family and friends, and a feeling of managing one’ s own life, are significantly related to lower rates of illness, in particular depression, and less healthcare-seeking behaviour. The risk-reducing effects increase with increasing risk. Healthcare workers therefore need to pay more attention to HR patients. Aim: To explore possible risk-reducing factors associated with the incidence of common illnesses and use of healthcare services among adolescents. Methods: Cross-sectional questionnaire study conducted in all Oslo schools among all 15-and 16-y-olds in 2000 and 2001 The adolescent population was divided into a low-risk (LR) and a high-risk (HR) group, and into quartiles, based on a sum score of different negative life experiences. The groups were compared with respect to potential risk-reducing The difference between the LR and HR groups was largest for the possible risk-reducing factor “my family values ​​my opinion” (LR group = 92%; HR group = 82 %), and “I manage to solve serious problems myself” (LR = 91%; HR = 86%). The family valuing the adolescents’ opinions was the risk-reducing factor most often associated with lower incidences of illness and healthcare utilization. Among the adolescents at highe stoles, less depression was strongly related to positive relationships with friends, boys: odds ratio = 0.1 (CI 95%: 0.0-0.7); and girls: 0.2 (0.1-0.5). Adolescents reporting that they managed their own problems had about half the risk of depression. Conclusion: Good relations with family and friends, and a feeling of managing one’s own life, are significantly related to lower rates of illness, in particular depression, and less healthcare-seeking behavior. The risk-reducing effects increase with increasing risk. Healthcare workers so need to pay more attention to HR patients.
若要百姓安 ,除非杀三南。——康熙初年民谣  明清时期 ,有些与当时历史人物有关的故事在社会上广为流传 ,引起不少文人墨客的兴趣 ,因此几个作家记录同一个传说在那一时期
2005年9月,我们海南省基础教育课程改革考察团前往香港,访问了香港特别行政区的考试与评核局和教育统筹局,对香港特别行政区近年来高中教育课程改革和考评制度改革的情况进行了系统的考察。    值得借鉴的改革    1.学制改革  香港特别行政区计划实施的新基础教育课程,是在计划于2009年开始的学制改革的背景下进行的。香港目前的学制是一种精英教育架构,为“3(中一~中三,相当于内地的初中) 2(中四
我院 198 7~ 2 0 0 0年经CT证实的原发性脑室出血误诊为蛛网膜下腔出血 (SAH)及其它疾病的 2 0例 ,现报道如下。1 临床资料男性 8例 ,女性 12例 ,年龄 2 5~ 67岁 ,其中 2 5~ 3 5岁5