The Stylistic Analysis of the Dialogues between Higgins and Eliza in Pygmalion

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  Abstract:A turn is the basic unit of dialogues whose important component is turn-taking.The politeness,one of the important requirements of human’s existence,attaches great significance to a successful conversation.This paper aims to analyze the con?versations between Higgins and Eliza in Pygmalion written by George Bernard Shaw to explore the characteristics of these two main characters from the perspective of turn-taking and the Po?liteness Principle.
  Key Words:Turn-taking;The Politeness Principle;Pygmalion
  Pygmalion is a drama written by Gorge Bernard Shaw who is a fa?mous Irish playwright and a winner of Nobel Prize in Literature.It mainly tells a story that Higgins,a phonetic linguist,and his friend,Pickering made a bet on a poor flower girl named Eliza.The author decides to illus?trate how the character’s personalities,character relationships between Eliza and Higgins and plot development from the perspective of turn-tak?ing analysis and the six maxims of politeness principle.
  Higgins always controls the topics and Eliza seldom controls the top?ic and has little right to say.Eliza did not say any monologue while Hig?gins said monologue twice from which we can infer that Higgins is a self-centered person.While Mrs.Pierce helped Eliza dress up,Eliza’s fa?ther,Doolittle,came to demand five ponds blackmail from Higgins.There were almost three phases of conversations between Higgins and Eliza.There are46turns among which27turns are started by Higginsand represent58.7%and19turns are initiated by Eliza and represent41.3%.There are35turns happened in the conversation between Hig?gins and Eliza.28turns were started by Higgins and the percentage of it is80%.Only7turns are initiated by Eliza,which accounts for only20%.In this part,interruptions made by Higgins are two times and Eliza inter?rupts his conversation for once,which marks the nearly equality of their psychological positions.Higgins has one monologue while Eliza does not have monologue.Higgins has26turns which accounts for56.5%and Eli?za has20turns which represents43.5%.Higgins and Eliza nearly have equal shares of the speaking right.Eliza does not response Higgins for three times and interrupted him for one time which can never be seen in the first four acts.In this part,Higgins has zero interruption and4mono?logues while Eliza has two monologues.
  It can be seen the changes happened between Higgins and Eliza.At the beginning of the drama,Higgins used to always control the speaking rights and initiate the conversation;while Eliza just followed Higgins’s mind and responded.Higgins always interrupted Eliza’s words,but Eliza never broke through his words.At the end of the drama,Eliza starts to initiate conversations and interrupt Higgins’s talk,which is a major dif?ference of Eliza.Most importantly,Higgins and Eliza seem to share the equal speaking right,which shows that they finally reach the equality in psychological level.   Also,the maxims being violated demonstrate the shifts of their rela?tionships.Even though Higgins’s attitudes towards Eliza have changed,Higgins always violates the politeness principle,such as the Tact Maxim,the Sympathy Maxim and so on.Eliza obeyed the politeness principle firstly,but she also changed her minds after she shows her desire of be?ing an individual woman.This shows that Higgins and Eliza seem always in disputes and never compromise with each other.Also,Higgins,a pho?netic professor and middle class member,always violates the politeness principle,which is a sign of Gorge Bernard Shaw’s irony towards the middle bourgeoisie.However,Eliza,a poor flower girl,dares to show her impoliteness when talking to Higgins,which can be regarded as Gorge Bernard Shaw’s compliment to her.
  All in all,author of this paper have gained much more understand?ing of the turn-taking analysis and the politeness principle and compre?hensive knowledge of Pygmalion and the two main characters.And au?thor hopes this paper could contribute to the stylistic study of Pygmalion and related studies as much as possible.
[摘 要:我国在人权保障方面坚持将人权的普遍性原则与国情结合,已成功构建起“立法为民、执法为民、司法为民”的法治化保障体系,同时将国际人权保障理论与我国优秀传统文化结合,形成了特色鲜明的中国特色社会主义人权保障话语体系。在新时代下我国民法典诞生,继续将保障人权,促进人权事业的发展置于重要地位,人格权独立成编、将“公序良俗”规范化确认、离婚冷静期的规定等各方面彰显对保障人权的关注程度。  关键词:中
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[摘 要:随着我国社会的不断发展,人们开始追求高品质的精神文化生活,因此,家长开始关注对学生的各方面能力的培养。学习音乐能够陶冶情操,同时也可以提升人的艺术修养,因此提升音乐水平应该从小抓起。目前的小学音乐课堂合唱教学中仍存在着一些问题,作为音乐教师,我们需要做的就是解决教学问题,提升教学有效性。  关键词:小学音乐课堂;合唱教学;有效性]  提高音乐教学能够培养学生的音乐审美能力和艺术修养,并且
[摘 要:高中数学学科教学对于学生的成长来说非常重要,可以锻炼学生的逻辑思维能力,让学生的思维方式变得更加灵活。在高中数学教学中应用问题导学法,可以有效地提高整个课堂的教学效率,让学生能够轻松理解数学知识,从数学知识中找到一些客观规律。本文指出高中数学教学如何应用问题导学法,希望对大家有所帮助。  关键词:高中数学;问题导学法;应用]  我们要根据学生不同阶段的学习情况,以及每个阶段学生们遇到的问
[摘 要:本文分析了关于小学语文作文教学生活化的尝试,提出了培养学生成为生活的有心人、让课堂教学成为生活化的平台、引导学生主动用生活实际写作等策略。最终希望通过本文的分析研究,能够真正实现对学生写作水平提升的目的。  关键词:小学语文;作文;生活化;教学]  在我国目前的小学语文关于作文内容的教学中,普遍存在学生的作文写作过于书面化、形式化,显得不够生动、真实,笔者认为这主要是因为在日常的教学过程
万历十五年,在中国历史上实为众多史学家们忽视的一年。然而,将历史纵向铺开仔细品味,黄仁宇先生却抓到了以后掀起波澜的症结,而这些事件却都发生在公元1587年,也就是中国的万历十五年。  中国幅员广大,情形复杂。明朝采取严格的中央集权,施政方针并不着眼于提倡扶助先进的科技,以增益全国财富,而是保护落后的经济,以均衡的姿态维持王朝的安全。这一特点当然渗透进上层建筑的范畴之中并极力表现在军事制度的领域,这
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[摘 要:在我国科技发展,各领域的技术水平逐渐提高的今天,学生自主性学习作为初中语文教学改革的一部分,显得尤为重要。因此,教师需要开始改变自己,并为自己配备新的观念,以提高教育质量。  关键词:初中语文;自主学习;适度性;把握策略]  随着社会的发展和教育理念的更新,人们越来越关注学生的自主学习能力。新课程改革也提倡将学生作为教学活动的主体,将学习的决定权还给学生。在这种情况下,如何培养学生的自主