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有时我们赚点小钱,但更经常的是毫无进账。有时父亲有工作——那是最快乐的日子。但我更清晰记得的是他多次失业的日子,我们没有钱,还得躲避“收数人”。如果母亲看到理事会负责征税的人,我们便会躲到大街的树后面去。当我们怎样都无法避开他的时候,母亲会对他说:“我会一周给你一英镑的。”他咕哝着同意后说:“那试一试吧。”不过,我们都晓得,这每周的一英镑 Sometimes we make a little money, but more often we do not make any money. Sometimes my father has a job - it is the happiest day. But what I remember more vividly is that on the days of repeated joblessness, we have no money and we have to evade “receiving people”. If the mother sees the council responsible for taxing, we hide behind the trees in the street. When we were unable to get away from him, my mother would say to him: “I will give you £ 1 a week.” He muttered and said: “Then give it a try.” However, we All know, this one pound a week
目的评估我部40岁以上干部高脂血症发病情况,对4年来高脂血症的发病情况汇总分析,为进一步做好预防保健工作提供依据。方法晨禁食、禁水,采集空腹12 h后晨间静脉血5 ml查血脂
The possible relationship between diabetes mellitus (DM) and colorectal cancer (CRC), concerning pathophysiological and molecular mechanisms is highlighted in t
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When I was only five years old,my grandmother started to teach me howto make paper-cuts.She cut the paper into a beautiful flower.It wasamazing(令人惊奇的)!I wa
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