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为了从物质上保证群众欢度春节,我省各级供销合作社在党政统一领导下,于一九五五年十二月初就通过各种会议,与国营公司等有关单位进行了平衡计划,签订了供货合同,并根据群众需要和缺货情况,分别采取内地加工、外地采购和兄弟社之间相互调剂以及组织群众加工等方法进行了货源准备。省社为了加强领导,除在去年十二月中旬召开的专办、市、县社主任会议上作了布置,发出了春节供应工作指示外,还组织力量,深入到重点县基层供销社进行了检查与帮助;各县社大部分都召开了基层社主任会议,分析了群众要求的新特点,批判了不积极组织进货的消极思想,促进了基层社积极进货。如潞安县南兰村供销社主任牛天保于元月上旬参加苏店集镇社召开的业务会议时认为:“社快并啦,社干思想不安,推推货底并社后再说吧。”经过分析了群众的需要后,认识了做好春节供应工 In order to ensure that the masses materially celebrate the Spring Festival, the supply and marketing cooperatives at all levels in our province, under the unified leadership of the party and government, passed various meetings in early December 1955 to conduct a balanced plan with state-owned companies and other relevant units and signed Supply contract, and according to the needs of the masses and out of stock situation, respectively, to take the Mainland processing, foreign procurement and brotherhood swap and organize mass processing and other methods of supply preparation. In order to strengthen leadership, the provincial agency, in addition to arranging the meeting of chief executives of cities, prefectures and counties held in mid-December of last year, issued instructions on the work of supplying the Spring Festival, and also organized forces to go deep into the grass-roots supply and marketing cooperatives in key counties Inspection and help; most of the counties have held a meeting of grassroots chiefs, analyzed the new characteristics of the requirements of the masses, criticized the negative thoughts of not actively organizing the purchase, and promoted the active purchase of grassroots units. For example, Lu Tianxian Nanlan Village Supply and Marketing Cooperative Office director Niu Tianyu attended the business meeting held by Soudiji Township Society in the early January of the lunar year. He said: After an analysis of the needs of the masses, they met and made good preparations for the Spring Festival
本文引用样条函数求得变截面连续梁的挠度曲线方程,并利用边界条件求出变截面连续梁的内力和挠度。 In this paper, the spline function is used to derive the deflection