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考试研究·网络信息技术在招生考试工作中的广泛应用,极大地提高了招生管理科学化水平,为全面实施高校招生“阳光工程”提供了必要的基础和可靠的保障,赢得了社会一致好评。但是,由于网络信息技术本身的开放性,招生信息管理系统和有关数据极易受到干扰和破坏,给招生工作带来了安全隐患和信息管理风险。近年来,多地相继发生了高考志愿篡改现象,其中既有个别人为利益驱动;也有同窗之间的嫉妒、报复等,还有纯属好玩而导演的恶作剧。今年山东青岛胶州学生常升 Examination Research · The extensive application of network information technology in enrollment and examination work has greatly improved the scientific level of enrollment management and provided the necessary foundation and reliable guarantee for the full implementation of college enrollment and “Sunshine Engineering” and won the social consensus Praise. However, due to the openness of network information technology itself, the admissions information management system and related data are easily disturbed and damaged, posing a potential safety hazard and information management risk to enrollment. In recent years, there have been many occurrences of college entrance examination volunteer tampering, including both individual-driven interests; there are jealous of students, revenge, there is purely fun and directed mischief. This year, Qingdao, Shandong Jiaozhou students often
阿基米德原理的内容  阿基米德原理的内容是:浸在液体中的物体受到向上的浮力,浮力的大小等于它排开的液体所受的重力.用公式表示为F浮=G排,推导公式为F浮=p液gV排.由F浮=p液gV排可知,物体所受的浮力不仅与液体的密度有关,还与物体排开液体的体积有关.但与物体浸没在液体中的深度无关,  例1 将一空饮料罐压入装满水的烧杯中,如图1所示,其排开的水所受的重力为4N.则空饮料罐受到的浮力大小为___
Objective: To evaluate the capability of recombinant Leishmania LPG3 and its fragments in the activation of B cells. Methods: In the present study, human B cell
摘 要: 由于家庭、学校、社会等方面的原因,现在大多数中小学生在心理方面存在着问题,教师必须运用思想预测、心理保健等方法,对中学生进行树立自信心、增强抗挫折和合作交往等能力的培养,从而正确引导和帮助青少年学生健康成长。  关键词: 心理健康教育;心理疾病成因;教育策略  中图分类号: G427 文献标识码: A 文章编号: 1992-7711(2013)22-015-1  一、培养学生的心理调适能
BACKGROUND: The mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) signaling pathway is involved in inflammatory process. However,the mechanism is not clear. The present
CURBING family violence has become a priority for Chinese women’s federations since 1995, when the concept of family violence was accepted by Chinese women’s
Non-alcoholic fatty liver disease(NAFLD) is now the most frequent chronic liver disease that occurs across all age groups and is recognized to occur in 14%-30%