If you have the time, come to the Ancient City of Taierzhuang

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  After the fall, the wind is cool
  The weather is no longer hot
  Strolling through the bamboo groves on the green slate road
  A cool wind is blowing in the face
  Looking at the dazzling buildings around
  Different styles and gestures
  Thoughts in my heart
  Come on the long way into the quiet at this time,swim comfortably.
  The green slate road,the stream murmur, stops here
  It’s a pleasure to walk quietly at any time.
  For most people
  Taierzhuang is a strange city
  a strange place
  Can be as big as the world
  You must come to Taierzhuang to see
  Slowly taste
  Looking for the meaning of travel.
  1.Be sure to ask the commentator
  There is the last section of the ancient canal that is alive. There are fifty-three World War II sites, which are known as the unyielding land of the Chinese nation. It is a museum of Cmboyant smile, holding the sand and sighing Fanghua. If you come to Taierzhuang Ancient City, you must invite a scenic spot to explain to you, the past and present life of the civil architecture. Here is the beautiful ancient city - Taierzhuang. There are a group of beautiful dream seekers, they are cultural communicators, they are the spokespersons of their hometowns, they are the guides of the scenic spots. They are ready to go, always ready to start your dream-seeking journey with the best service!
  As soon as the light gauze clouds are pulled, the surplus will return to the water. Turning to the flag Ancient City.
  2.Be sure to take the river to shake the boat
  In a small awning boat, in the singing voice of the boat girl, “a paddle travels all over the city” is one of the unforgettable ancient city tourism experiences for many tourists. Accompanied by the sound of water from the awning boat, you can admire the ancient buildings, ancient culture and landscape bridges on both sides of the river. In the meticulous explanation of the boat sister, you will encounter this ancient city.
  Yuelao River is the most beautiful section of Shuicheng. The ancient houses on both sides of the cliffs, the red lanterns hang high and sway in the wind and rain. At this time, you must invite the sister ship to sing a song “Beautiful Taierzhuang”. This trip to the ancient city is perfect and complete.
  3.Be sure to watch the wonderful show
  In the ancient city of Taierzhuang, there are different styles and types of performances every day: Qianlong Tour Taierzhuang, Nanshi Performance, Miss Wanjia Throwing Hydrangea, Lunan Shadow Play.A large-scale sitcom reappearing the prosperous history of the Grand Canal, “The Qianlong Tour Taierzhuang”, showcasing the unyielding Taierzhuang spirit of the drum drama “Taierzhuang Dajie”... a colorful performing arts event that blends the north and the south, runs through the Chinese and Western, just with theTaierzhuang canal culture style has a similar charm.   4.Have an authentic meal
  A variety of culinary delights have been gathered here, offering a rich feast for the tourists. The scent of a variety of cuisines is fascinating, hundreds of foods are dazzling, taste the most authentic specialties, and experience the unique food culture.
  5.The last section of the ancient canal that is alive
  The city has three kilometers of the Grand Canal, the ancient river channel and the ancient revetment of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, the ancient wharf, the ancient ship lock, and the ancient village. It has been hailed by the World Tourism Organization as the “living canal” and the “pre-existing heritage village of the Grand Canal”.
  1.The place with the most sites of World War II in the world. The ancient city of Taierzhuang has preserved 53 sites of World War II. It is the city with the most remains of the world after the baptism of World War II. It is the only World War II memorial city in China.
  2.Be sure to watch the night scene
  Say goodbye to the noisy crowd during the day
  the ancient city of Taierzhuang under the cover of night scented with fascinating temperament
  Bright in the ancient city of Taierzhuang
  The quiet river reflects the prosperity of the city like a mirror.
  Maybe at this moment
  You will fall in love with this city!
前天,姚瑶刚走进家门,就看到老妈把新来的钟点工阿秀给剋了一顿,絮絮叨叨的。  为啥?不过是因为阿秀在做保洁时,把电视柜上那个玉石摆件移动了一点位置。这多大点事儿,有点吹毛求疵了。  姚瑶有些纳闷,老妈一个厚道的居家老太太,啥时变得如此刻薄,那脾气跟一大老板似的,咋也学会训人了。她正欲上前解围,不想阿秀忙对老妈赔着笑脸道,下次一定注意。  今天早上,姚母郑重其事地对女儿说:“家里刚来了个钟点工,你闲
【摘要】自从进入21世纪以来,我国的计算机技术和网络技术就获得了迅速发展,并且随着经济社会发展,其在我国社会生活的各个领域中也得到了有效的应用,互联网已经融入了人们生活的方方面面,所以我国逐渐进入了“互联网 ”的时代。在“互联网 ”的环境下,我国的教育事业也受到了很大的影响,互联网技术和计算机设备在教学工作中得到了有效的普及和应用,对传统教学工作带来了极大的冲击。所以本文就以“互联网 ”环境下的高
[摘要] 目的 探讨彩色多普勒超声心动图对左冠状动脉异常起源于肺动脉(ALCAPA)的诊断价值,分析超声心动图漏误诊原因,旨在提高超声对ALCAPA诊断的准确率。 方法 以2005年1月~2011年12月间我院经心导管或手术证实的6例患者为研究对象,回顾性分析其临床资料及诊治经过,总结ALCAPA超声心动图特点、鉴别诊断要点及漏误诊原因。 结果 6例患者中,首次超声心动图检查确诊2例,误诊4例,分
【摘要】在初中英语阅读教学中,全面培养学生的核心素养可以通过尊重学生个性、教学情景化,渗透文化,和情感的熏陶的方式。因此,本文笔者从这四个方面出发,旨在培养学生的学习能力、语言能力、思想品质和文化品格。  【关键词】初中英语;核心素养  【作者简介】景辉,李晓霞,宁夏银川市第六中学。  一、阅读教学时注重学生个性的发展,提高学生的学习能力  在传统的教学模式当中,学生的学习能力一直受到强烈的限制,
【摘要】课堂导入设计的合理性直接关系到课堂教学质量的好坏,为了提高初中英语课堂导入设计的有效性,需要初中英语教师掌握导入设计的原则与优化方法,为初中英语课堂教学质量的提升提供助力。基于此,本文以仁爱版初中英语教材为例,探究了英语课堂导入设计的原则与优化方法,旨在通过课堂导入的优化构架初中英语优质课堂。  【关键词】初中英语;课堂导入设计;原则;优化方法  【作者简介】叶华明,福建福州福清市滨江初级
【摘要】 英语是用来交流的工具,而英语教学的目的就应该包括教会学生使用这种交际工具,提升“说”的能力。当前小学英语教学中,普遍存在重英语书面技能、轻口语“说”的表达的问题。结果大部分学生经过小学几年的英语学习,脑袋中装满了单词和短语,却无法说出一段完整的对话。因而,发挥语言学习的功能,有针对性地优化小学四年级英语复习课“说”任务设计,引导学生“说”英语,提升“说”英语能力,成了英语课堂的重要任务。
【摘要】本文从译者的身份比喻入手,认为翻译活动的主体间关系构成译者的责任,同时根据儿童文学的翻译的特殊性,提出儿童文学译者需要承担对委托人、目标读者以及文化规范的责任。  【关键词】译者;责任;儿童文学翻译  【作者简介】肖士钦,男,1991,汉,湖南衡阳人,湖南交通工程学院,助教,硕士研究生,主要研究方向:翻译理论与实践,大学英语教学。  一、译者的身份比喻与身份语境  比喻是人类的一种基本认知
党的十八大以来,以绿色发展理念为指引,我国与环境保护相关的法律法规框架体系不断完善,绿色经济越来越成为产业园区及企业的共识和行动,绿色生活方式日益成为民众的自觉选择。  生态兴则文明兴,生态衰则文明衰。  从山水林田湖草的“命运共同体”初具规模到绿色发展理念融入生产生活,再到经济发展与生态改善实现良性互动,以习近平同志为核心的党中央将生态文明建设推向新高度,“美丽中国”新图景徐徐展开。  绿色治理
这个季节,是水浮莲疯长时期。  水浮莲学名凤眼蓝,又称水葫芦或水荷花,原产于南美洲,具有极强的繁殖能力,一株水浮莲在一年之内可产生1.4亿棵分株,可铺满140公顷的水面。由于水葫芦盛开紫色的花朵,一些深受其害的渔民将它称为“紫色水妖”。  从4月份入汛以来,受暴雨等强对流气候影响,水浮莲从闽江上游不断涌出。7月9日中午,闽江上的水面气温超过38度。福建省围垦工程处队长宋鸿飞带着30多名工人在烈日下