Albaconol,a Plant-Derived Small Molecule,Inhibits Macrophage Function by Suppressing NF-κB Activatio

来源 :Cellular & Molecular Immunology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:chinasun09
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Discovery and functional identification of plant-derived small compounds as the immunosuppressant attract much attention these years. Albaconol is a new kind of small compound,prenylated resorcinol,isolated from the fruiting bodies of the inedible mushroom Albatrellus confluens. Our previous studies showed that albaconol can inhibit tumor cell growth and dendritic cell maturation. However,the immunomodulatory roles and the underlying mechanisms of albaconol have not been fully understood. In this study we investigated the effects of albaconol on the proliferation and LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokine production of macrophages. Albaconol,when used at a dose higher than 1.0 μg/ml,inhibited proliferation of RAW264.7 cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner,and could induce cellular apoptosis when used at high dosage (≥ 7.5 μg/ml). Furthermore,we found that albaconol used at a lower dosage without apoptosis induction could significantly inhibit LPS-induced TNF-α,IL-6,IL-1β and NO production in RAW264.7 cells. The inhibition of NF-κB activation and enhancement of SOCS1 expression in LPS-stimulated macrophages by albaconol may contribute to the above immunosuppressive or anti-inflammatory activities of albaconol. Our results suggest that albaconol may be a potential immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drug. Discovery and functional identification of plant-derived small compounds as the immunosuppressant attract much attention these years. Albaconol is a new kind of small compound, prenylated resorcinol, isolated from the fruiting bodies of the inedible mushroom Albatrellus confluens. Our previous studies showed that albaconol can inhibit tumor cell growth and dendritic cell maturation. However, the immunomodulatory roles and the underlying mechanisms of albaconol have not been fully understood. In this study we investigated the effects of albaconol on the proliferation and LPS-induced proinflammatory cytokine production of macrophages. Albaconol, when used at a dose higher than 1.0 μg / ml, inhibited proliferation of RAW264.7 cells in a dose-and time-dependent manner, and could induce cellular apoptosis when used at high dosage (≥ 7.5 μg / ml). found that albaconol used at a lower dosage without apoptosis induction could significantly inhibit LPS-induced TNF-α, IL-6, IL-1β and NO production in RAW264.7 cells. The inhibition of NF-κB activation and enhancement of SOCS1 expression in LPS-stimulated macrophages by albaconol may contribute to the above immunosuppressive or anti-inflammatory activities of albaconol. Our results suggest that albaconol may be a potential immunosuppressive and anti-inflammatory drug.
根据广西早稻叶瘟发生实况,结合苗情及气候特点综合分析,预计早稻后期穗瘟总体发生程度为中等偏轻局部中等,种植感病品种较多的稻区和历史性常发病区将偏重发生。发生主 Acc
目的探讨强化健康教育对艾滋病高危人群疾病防治知识及自我保护意识的影响。方法 2012年10月—2013年11月,选择廊坊市400例艾滋病高危人群进行研究,对其进行强化健康教育,并
为了寻求高效无污染的防治害虫春尺蠖Apocheima cinerarius Erschoff的方法,本实验对春尺蠖雌蛾性信息素进行了初步研究。本研究采取正己烷溶剂浸提法提取春尺蠖处女雌蛾性信