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编辑部设在美国的英文版《中国汽车要闻》杂志,在第六届北京国际汽车展期间,举办了“环球一体化——中国汽车工业和WTO研讨会”,国务院有关部门的负责人,通用、福特、戴姆勒-克莱斯勒、大众、标致-雪铁龙,以及德尔福、米其林、康明斯、伊顿和法雷奥等外国大汽车公司、大零部件生产企业的高层人物,国内一汽、二汽、上汽、北汽、长安和悦达等汽车企业集团的有关领导参加了此次研讨。 现将会上提出的问题及其回答,作一摘录,供读者参阅。 1.中国私人消费汽车的潜力很大,为什么没有出现私人消费汽车的热潮? 国务院发展研究中心工业经济部部长刘世锦认为,一是车价太高,二是价外税费太多。 2.关于中国汽车工业发展的 The editorial department is located in the United States, the English version of “China Automotive News” magazine, during the Sixth Beijing International Motor Show, held a “Global Integration - China Automotive Industry and WTO Seminar”, the State Council department heads, General Motors Ford, DaimlerChrysler, Volkswagen, Peugeot-Citroen, as well as foreign big car companies such as Delphi, Michelin, Cummins, Eaton and Valeo, as well as executives from large parts manufacturers, domestic FAW, Beiqi, Chang’an and Yueda and other automotive enterprise groups attended the seminar. The questions raised at the meeting and their answers are now made an extract for readers’ reference. 1. There is great potential for private consumption vehicles in China and why there is no upsurge in private consumption vehicles? Liu Shijin, minister of the Ministry of Industry and Economy of the State Council Development Research Center, thinks: First, the price is too high; secondly, the extra-tax taxes are too much. About China’s auto industry development
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