Controversy about the Origin of the Grain Boundary Internal Friction Peak and Its Clarification

来源 :Journal of Materials Science & Technology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ZHANGLONGQI008
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In the seventies some scientific workers from France and ltaly suggested that the grain boundary internal friction peak (named the Ke peak in the literature) widely accepted as a grain bound ary process, is originated from the motion of lattice dislocations. Since this problem is one of fundamental importance, this controversy has drawn much international attention. Started from 1982, the Hefei research group made a critical analysis of the large amount of literature concerning this problem and performed a series of crucial experiments to clarify the controversy It is concluded that the irrelevant evidence suggested by the controverters comes from the farfetched interpretation and the mis-identification of the internal friction peaks appeared under various experimental conditions and different states of the specimens. In the seventies some scientific workers from France and ltaly that that grain boundary internal friction peak (named the Ke peak in the literature) widely accepted as a grain bound ary process, is originated from the motion of lattice dislocations. Since this problem is one of fundamental importance, this controversy has drawn much international attention. this from controversy has the much analysis of the large amount of literature from this problem and performed a series of crucial experiments to clarify the controversy It is concluded that the irrelevant evidence suggested by the controverters comes from the farfetched interpretation and the mis-identification of the internal friction peaks have under various experimental conditions and different states of the specimens.
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