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报载:今年1月6日下午,因屡次反映村委会领导腐败问题无果,陕西省西安市雁塔区西晁村村民汪刚强愤而摘除村委会匾牌。雁塔区区委宣传部称,区纪委已经介入,就村民反映的有关情况进行调查核实。1月7日,公安机关(公安高新分局鱼斗路派出所)已对汪刚强“涉嫌寻衅滋事”依法予以治安拘留。向村委会举报该村领导未果,可以向上级相关纪检部门举报,但村民汪刚强选择了摘除村委会匾牌的方式。不得不说,这种行为是过激的,不妥的,而且如果行为足够恶劣、后果严重,他的确要承担相应法律责任。可是,当地公 According to the newspaper, on the afternoon of January 6, this year, due to repeated unsuccessful reports on the corruption led by the village committees, Wang Gangqiang, a villager in the West Chao Village, Yanta District, Shaanxi Province, was angered and removed the plaque of the village committee. Yanta District Party Committee Propaganda Department said the Commission for Discipline Inspection has been involved in the investigation of the villagers to reflect the situation. On January 7, the public security organ (Public Security High-tech Branch Fudus Road police station) has been detained by Wang Gangqiang and “suspected of causing trouble” according to law. To report to the village committee unsuccessfully the leadership of the village, you can report to the relevant discipline inspection departments at higher levels, but the villagers Wang Gangqiang chose the removal of the village plaque. Have to say that this behavior is exaggerated, inappropriate, and if the behavior is bad enough, the consequences of serious, he really should bear the corresponding legal responsibility. However, the local public
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