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Objective To observe the relationship of sibelium between vasodilatlting and vasoconstricting factors, and the treating and preoeating effect of sibelium on migraine in women Methods 60 women wre randomly divided into the xueshuantong group( n= 30) and sibelium group(n = 30). We compared the therapeutic effect in the two groups, detected endothelins(ET) and calcitonin gene - related peptide (CGRP) in blood before and after treatment Results In sibelium group, the concentration of CGRP after treatment was lower than that before treatment.Sibelium lightened the extent of heodoche, reduced the duration of headache( both effciency rate of 93% ). Xueshuantong could only lighten the degree of headache(effuctive rate: 70% ). Conclusion Sibelium could control the attack of migraine in women without obvious side effect.
笔者采用综合治疗(电针、红外线、超rn短波)及手法护理治疗本病100例,疗效rn显著,总结如下。rn1资料与方法rn 本组100例,男52例,女48例,年龄rn11~81岁,病程1~7d者63例,8~50drn者37例;根
从1992年~2000年我们对400例梅rn核气患者在针灸治疗的基础上配合心理康rn复,疗效显著,表明心理康复在整个治疗过rn程中具有重要作用,现报道如下。rn1资科与方法rn 本组400例患者
Objective To observe the motor cortex activitie s on fMR imaging. Method The fMR study of motor cortex was performed in 15rn normal volunteers using 1. 5T supe
Objective To investigate the clinical and electrophysiological features of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathyrn(CIDP) . Methods The clinical sy
1 老年骨质疏松患者进行鉴别诊断时须考虑如下疾病rn1.1 脊椎病脊椎病是一组征侯群,本质是软骨的退行性变性。可以把它与变形性膝关节病放在同一位置上。骨质疏松症是“骨的老