My inspiring grandfather

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  Ever since I was little I have had the security and love of a whole family. Im sure all of you have lost a loved one, ranging from a dear pet to a beloved family member. I myself have lost many cherished hamsters, but never in my childhood did I think I would lose a family member.
  I have many family members; I even have two living greatgrandparents and I also had four grandparents. All that changed in the beginning of 2002. At that time our family was astonished to find out that my grandfather on my Dads side of the family was found to have cancer. He suffered through two years of it. We did everything we could to help him enjoy a comfortable stay at the hospital, like we taped videos of my soccer games and visited him in Chicago on Halloween.
  He fought all he could, but on the day of November 5, 2003, he passed away. At that time my parents were visiting him in Chicago, and my other grandparents from Virginia were watching us. Our parents came home early that visit. I still remember that day when they sat all of us down and told us the news. I felt a mix of emotions such as depression, loss, and emptiness. I ran outside into the crisp November air and cried silent tears, kneeling at my hamsters grave under the bare cherry blossom tree.
  Almost a year had passed and we were eating dinner at the dinner table when a discussion started about how we could help find a cure for cancer or make the lives of the many people who have it more enjoyable. My older sister Molly and I came up with the idea of selling our honey from our grandparents in Virginias hives. I came up with the name Hives for Lives and we started our business with the bees.
  The business started by taking the honey from our bees and some beeswax. We left enough for the bees to survive through the winter. I only got stung once! After this we would go through the long process of spinning the honey, filtering the honey with three filters, and then putting the honey in a large tin heater and warming it until it was drippy and easily bottled in one of our glass jars. Then we would cap the newly filled jars and label them. We did this all by ourselves!
  This year we added beeswax candles and lip balm of many flavors to the product line. We were selling it at the events or stores. Last year, we raised $2,000 for the American Cancer Society and all of it went to a camp for children who have cancer. This year, with a few of our friends, Molly and I spent a lot of our time making beeswax candles and beeswax lip balm. With a lot of help, we raised $9,300!   I learned many things from our grandfather such as to live life to its fullest, proper grammar, the love of literature, and to take risks in life. We are put on this Earth to do well and to help those around us. We are all capable of that if we try.
一 卢永根  2017年3月,83岁高龄的中科院院士、作物遗传学家卢永根教授拖着孱弱的病躯在夫人的搀扶下来到中国建设银行,将十多本存折的存款转入华南农业大学教育发展基金会的账户,卢永根夫妇一共捐出8809446元,这是他们毕生的积蓄,学校用这笔款设立了教育基金,用于奖励贫困学生与优秀青年教师。  卢永根没有将财产留给唯一的女儿,他说:“是党和国家培养了我,几十年来,我一直不忘告诫自己,要将自己所有
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参加过高考作文阅卷的老师都知道,在阅卷场上斩获高分的作文与纯理论专家们的观点是不完全一致,甚至是相悖的。比如“总分总 分论点”式的结构,在现实中往往会被斥为模式化而遭棒打,但在阅卷场上却以其结构的清晰化而获取阅卷者的青睐。究其原因,大抵是与高考作文的秒评模式有关。阅卷场上的应试作文绝不能是余味无穷的“碧螺春”,没有人会有时间和闲心去慢慢品味;一定得是暴烈的“二锅头”,在第一时间就能将有利于行文的各
[原文]  预 演  文/(前苏联)杜姆巴泽  我们是老同学,当时我们俩并排坐在最后一排课桌。当老师转身在黑板上写字的时候,我们常一起冲着老师的后背做鬼脸儿。我们还一起参加期末补考。  那是十五年前的事了。十五年来我们一直没有见过面。今天,我终于怀着激动的心情登上了四层楼。  不知道他是否还能认出我来?  我毅然按了一下电铃。  “不怕烂掉你的臭爪子,可恶的东西!震得整个房子嗡嗡响。什么时候你才能