
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(皮肤病学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wangbadanwang
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Background: We have used a schedule for soft x-ray therapy of epithelial malignancies that takes into account the clinically diagnosed tumor involution under treatment. Objective: We sought to evaluate the effectiveness of this schedule in terms of cure rate and late ulcerations. Methods: Patients with 1267 consecutively irradiated (1988- 1992) basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas were followed up (average 77months). Results: The recurrence rate (5.1% ) was related to tumor size and thickness and to the time-dose-fractionation factor. The frequency of ulcerations (6.3% ) depended on field size, hardness of the x-rays, and in smaller fields (diameter up to 4 cm) on total dose, and time-dose-fractionation factor. Of all ulcerations, 82.5 % could be conservatively cured. Limitations: We have no evidence that our radiation schedule is superior to those published by other authors. Conclusion: These results verify the use Background: We have used a schedule for soft x-ray therapy of epithelial malignancies that takes into account the clinically diagnosed tumor involution under treatment. Objective: We sought to evaluate the effectiveness of this Schedule in terms of cure rate and late ulcerations. Methods: Patients with 1267 consecutively irradiated (1988- 1992) basal cell and squamous cell carcinomas were followed up (average 77months). Results: The recurrence rate (5.1%) was related to tumor size and thickness and to the time-dose-fractionation factor. The frequency of ulcerations (6.3%) depended on field size, hardness of the x-rays, and in smaller fields (diameter up to 4 cm) on total dose, and time-dose-fractionation factor. Of all ulcerations, 82.5% could be conservatively cured. Limitations: We have no evidence that our radiation schedule is superior to that published by other authors. Conclusion: These results verify the use
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