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独次销售术 意大利莱尔市场有一个奇特的营销策略——独次销售术,即这个市场对所有的产品仅出售一次便不再进货。即使是十分热门的俏货,也忍痛割爱,不再行染指。这种策略使市场上出售的产品永远都是“新面孔”。任何一个产品上市,就出现抢购的场面,出售的商品永远不会饱和,更不会积压,而顾客也永远不会满足。莱尔市场因此而成为驰名国内外的专业市场。 打折销售术 1973年7月,东京银座的绅士西服店“日本良好”开始做打1折的生意,使东京的人大为吃惊。次年东京的八重皮鞋店等6家商店也参加打1折销售的行列。这种销售法是,首先定出打折销售的期限,第1天打9折,第2天打8折,第3、第4天打7折,第5天、第6天打6折,第7天、第8天打5折,第9天、第10天打4折,第11天、第12 Single sales Italian Lyle market has a peculiar marketing strategy - single sales, that the market for all the products sold only once they no longer purchase. Even the very popular Qiaohuo, also reluctantly cut off love, no longer profane. This strategy makes the products on the market forever “new faces.” Any one product on the market, there are scenes of buying, the sale of goods will never be saturated, not to backlog, and customers will never be satisfied. Laier market has become well-known professional markets at home and abroad. Discount sales In July 1973, Tokyo Ginza’s gentleman’s suit store “Japan’s good” began to make a one-off business, so that the NPC in Tokyo was surprised. The following year, eight stores in Tokyo, including eight shoes stores also participated in the ranks of the sales of 1 fold. This sales law is the first to set the deadline for discount sales, the first day of playing 9 fold, the second day playing 8 fold, the first 3, the fourth day of playing 7 fold, the first 5 days, 6 days 6 fold, 7 days, the first 8 days hit 50% off, the first 9 days, the first 10 days hit 4 fold, the first 11 days, 12th
利福平是经人工半合成的一种可口服的强抗生素,它抗菌力强,低浓度抑菌,高浓度杀菌,抗菌谱广。对结核菌有快速抗菌作用。对痢疾杆菌也有一定的抑菌作用。 我院自1998~1999年用利福平治疗小
新生儿呼吸衰竭(呼衰)目前仍是导致新生儿死亡的主要原因。近2年我们用气管内冲洗治疗,取得满意效果,现分析如下。 1 资料和方法 1.1 对象:本科自1996年10月至1998年12月共
Infrared transmission and photoconductivity spectra of mercury cadmium telluride (MCT) epitaxial layers, grown by liquid phase epitaxy (LPE) on CdTe and CdZnTe
新生儿高未结合胆红素血症 (简称高胆 )是新生儿期最常见的疾病之一 ,可由多种不同原因引起。本院从 1995~ 1999年收治的新生儿高胆 82例 ,现报告如下。1 临床资料1.1 诊断
全国合计大庆辽河华北大港新疆塔里木吐哈四川长庆青海玉门冀东吉林胜利中原河南江汉江苏滇黔桂中油集团合计中石化集团合计海洋石油合计新星及其他1995年1 74刀022.90 17.51
埋藏史研究是含油气系统研究的核心内容 ,是研究油气的生、运、聚及成藏过程的关键。在区域背景分析的基础上 ,定量计算了孙虎地区各地层单元的剥蚀厚度 ;通过压实、剥蚀恢复
近两年来国内少数石化及炼油企业通过参与美国Solomon管理咨询公司 (SAI)的业绩分析评估活动 ,直接了解到国际上烯烃生产及炼油行业的运行水平及各自企业在所属行业中所居的
Microporous Keggin-type polyoxometalate material was synthesised by supporting H3PW12O40 into a silica matrix via a sol-gel technique. The silica-supported 12-