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刺槐侧根发达,萌蘖力强,可进行萌芽更新。但如更新措施不当,则难以成林。为促进刺槐萌芽林生长,特对宿迁市黄墩,赵埝林场在80年代更新的刺槐萌芽林进行调查和分析,其结果如下。 1 调查地基本情况 1.1 林地自然概况 宿迁地处淮北平原,属暖温带季风气候区,气候温和湿润,四季分明,光照充足,年降雨量927mm,年平均温度14.1℃,无霜期210d,年均地温16.8℃,属黄泛冲击平原区,土壤主要有黄潮土、棕潮土、垛田土等,土壤比较肥沃,适宜刺槐树生长。 1.2 刺槐林萌芽更新的方法 黄墩林场于1982年11月到翌年2月中旬更新刺槐106亩,2月底全面松土,萌芽后禁止放牧,并及时做好防治蚜虫、疏除过多萌条等抚育管理工作。赵埝林场于1983~1988年先后在闫河、邳洪河大堤上更新刺槐林234亩,然后进行挖蔸、松土等抚育管理工作。 为了保持合理密度,促进正常生长,在初期留一定植株,到秋冬季节进行抚育透光伐,伐除部分弱小及分布不均的萌条(每亩保留300株左右),3年后再伐除1/3(每亩保留200株左右),6~7午后再伐除部分长势差的林木(保留每亩120~150株左右)。 Robinia pseudoacacia side developed, strong sprouting, germination can be renewed. However, if the improper update measures, it is difficult to become a forest. In order to promote the growth of the acacia sprout forest, we investigated and analyzed the acacia sprout forest which was renewed in the 1980s in Huangdun and Zhaozhuang Forest Farm, Suqian City. The results are as follows. 1 BASIC INFORMATION ON THE SURVEY AREA 1.1 Forest Land Overview Suqian is located in the Huaibei Plain and belongs to a warm temperate monsoon climate zone with mild and humid climate with four distinct seasons and abundant sunshine with an annual rainfall of 927mm, annual average temperature of 14.1 ℃, frost-free period of 210d and average annual temperature of 16.8 ℃ , Is a pan-pan-impact plain area, the soil mainly yellow soil, brown soil, soil and other plots, soil more fertile, suitable acacia tree growth. 1.2 Robinia pseudoacacia sprout regeneration method Huangdun forest farm in November 1982 to mid-February the following year to update Robinia pseudoacacia 106 acres, by the end of February full of soil, grazing prohibition of grazing, and timely prevention and control of aphids, sparse sprouting too much Tending management. Zhao 埝 forest farm in 1983 ~ 1988 successively in the Yan River, Xu Honghe embankment update acacia forest 234 acres, and then dig 蔸, riparian and other tending and management work. In order to maintain a reasonable density and promote normal growth, leave some plants in the initial stage, and conduct tending and light-cutting in the autumn and winter seasons, and remove some weak and unevenly distributed sprouts (about 300 plants per mu) and remove them after 3 years 1/3 (reserve about 200 plants per acre), and then remove some of the growing trees after 6-7 months (about 120-150 plants per acre).
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