
来源 :世界核心医学期刊文摘(妇产科学分册) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jieshoukode
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Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of either a 2.5-mg or a 5-mg daily dose of letrozole in women undergoing superovulation and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Design: Prospective randomized trial. Setting: Academic teaching hospital. Patient(s): Women < 40 years old, with patent fallopian tubes and infertility of > 1 year in duration. Intervention(s): Patients were randomized into either a 2.5-mg dose of letrozole (34 patients) or a 5-mg dose of letrozole (38 patients) daily for 5 days. When the leading follicle reached 18 mm in diameter, ovulation was triggered by an injection of hCG and IUI was performed 24 and 48 hours later. Main Outcome Measure(s): The number of follicles, endometrial thickness, and pregnancy rate. Result(s): Compared with those treated with 2.5 mg of letrozole, the total number of follicles was significantly higher in patients receiving 5 mg of letrozole. No difference in the endometrial thickness was found between the two groups. The pregnancy rate per cycle in patients receiving 5 mg of letrozole was statistically higher than in patients receiving 2.5 mg of letrozole (26.3%vs 5.9%, P < .05). No multiple pregnancies occurred. Conclusion(s): Compared with the daily dose of 2.5 mg, 5 mg of letrozole is associated with more follicles and a higher pregnancy rate. It appears that 5 mg daily for 5 days is a preferable letrozole dose for superovulation. Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of either a 2.5-mg or a 5-mg daily dose of letrozole in women undergoing superovulation and intrauterine insemination (IUI). Design: Prospective randomized trial. Setting: Academic teaching hospital. Interventions (s): Patients were randomized into either a 2.5-mg dose of letrozole (34 patients) or a 5-mg When the leading follicle reached 18 mm in diameter, ovulation was triggered by an injection of hCG and IUI was performed 24 and 48 hours later. Main Outcome Measure (s): The number of follicles, endometrial thickness, and pregnancy rate. Results (s): Compared with those treated with 2.5 mg of letrozole, the total number of follicles was significantly higher in patients receiving 5 mg of letrozole. No difference in the endometrial thickness was found between the two groups. The p regnancy rate per cycle in patients receiving 5 mg of letrozole was marked higher than in patients receiving 2.5 mg of letrozole (26.3% vs 5.9%, P <.05). No multiple pregnancies occurred. Conclusion (s): Compared with the daily dose of 2.5 mg, 5 mg of letrozole is associated with more follicles and a higher pregnancy rate. It appears that 5 mg daily for 5 days is a preferred dose of letrozole for superovulation.
全国知识工程领导小组办公室于2006年4 月17日发出[2006]1号通知,确定2006年度图书馆服务宣传周的时间为2006年5月29日至6 月4日,主题为:“倡导全民阅读,构建学习型社会”。
论述当前科研所情报业务面临的新形势和新任务以及网络环境对科研所文献情报业务发展的影响,并提出网络环境下科研所一级情报业务可持续发展的新思路。 This paper discusse
采用茚三酮比色法测定茶叶中游离氨基酸的含量,确定以茶氨酸为标准溶液工作液的最佳反应条件。p H=8.0的磷酸盐缓冲溶液和2%的茚三酮溶液各0.5 ml,沸水浴加热15 min,冷却10 m
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视为神圣的地方,也就有了禁忌。凡神圣的地方就是禁忌之地。藏区自古到今,对自然的禁忌已涉及各个方面,成为一种系统的禁忌网。 As a sacred place, there are taboos. All