
来源 :寄生虫与医学昆虫学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xyfall533
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阴道滴虫是世界范围的性传染的阴道滴虫病的病原体。病原微生物在机体内生存,不仅要逃避宿主的免疫反应,而且还要能获得其生存所必需的生长因子。金属铁离子(Fe~(++))是关系到阴道滴虫能否正常生长的必需因子之一。先前的工作已证明,在离体条件下,高铁离子环境促进滴虫吸附到Hela细胞上。本文主要研究在体内和体外条件下,滴虫是如何在蛋白质表达水平上对环境中铁离子浓度高低作出反应。这里观察到至少3个铁诱导蛋白和两个铁抑制蛋白。其中分子量为136kD的蛋白是以前报道的乳铁蛋白受体。也研究了环境pH对于这些铁调节蛋白的影响。结果表明:在所研究的pH5.0~6.4范围内,虽然较低的pH环境促进滴虫细胞的增殖,但并不明显地影响铁离子对铁调节蛋白的调控。通过使用阴道滴虫病患者的血清进行放射免疫沉淀实验,间接证明铁离子不仅在体外,而且可能也在体内调节这些铁调节蛋白的表达。环境铁离子在体内调节滴虫蛋白表达这一事实在国内外鲜有报道。尚需做进一步研究才能全面理解铁离子调控滴虫蛋白的分子机制和水平。 Vaginal trichomoniasis is a worldwide pathogen of vaginal trichomoniasis that is sexually transmitted. Pathogenic microorganisms in the body to survive, not only to evade the host’s immune response, but also to obtain the necessary growth factors for their survival. Metal iron ions (Fe ~ (++)) is one of the necessary factors related to the normal growth of Trichomonas vaginalis. Previous work has demonstrated that in vitro conditions, the high-iron ion environment promotes the adsorption of Trichomonas to Hela cells. This article focuses on how trichomoniasis responds to the level of iron ion in the environment at the level of protein expression in vivo and in vitro. Here at least 3 iron-inducible proteins and two iron-inhibitory proteins were observed. Among them, the molecular weight of 136kD is the previously reported lactoferrin receptor. The effect of ambient pH on these iron regulatory proteins was also studied. The results showed that the iron pH was not significantly affected by iron ions in the regulation of iron regulatory proteins in the range of pH5.0 ~ 6.4. Radiolimmunoprecipitation experiments using sera from patients with vaginal trichomoniasis indirectly demonstrated that iron ions regulate the expression of these iron regulatory proteins not only in vitro but also in vivo. The fact that environmental iron ions regulate trichomonad protein expression in the body is rarely reported at home and abroad. Still need to do further research in order to fully understand the molecular mechanism and level of iron ion regulation trichomoniasis protein.
临床上出现的蛋白尿(即大分子蛋白尿)是糖尿病性肾病的最早征兆,一般可通过持续地蛋白排出>0.5g/24h而确定。 蛋白尿的出现,预示肾功能的减退,最终将发展到肾衰。通常都并发
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